ESXi to SAN 'Load Balancing' Optimization

DeathmageDeathmage Banned Posts: 2,496
Hey guys,

So I remember from my book that 'Route based on the originating virtual port ID' is like the status quo for iSCSI links since you want one as a Active and One as Standby for HA.

But I'm wondering if I anyone here has ever done a etherchannel or IEEE generic LACP bonding from a iSCSI/Fibre-Channel OOB switch to the ESXi hosts and then a bonding to the SAN. I'm curious if that could benefit the back-end performance of a SAN and an ESXi host or if the performance would be minimal.

I already use 1Gb, Jumbo frame's, and Round Robin. I use 1 Gb because of the fact this network doesn't even come close to the the threshold of 1Gb so 10 Gb was completely overkill.

I know this Equalogic supports Multipathing, so that is an option. Just not sure if multipathing will help with performance or if it's really just 'fun' technology.

This more of an advanced topic, but I've been looking into 'Advanced Settings', and I'm curious if anyone has ever tangled with the 'Disk.DiskMaxIOSize' value. I can see this being useful for a few of our VM's that have high IOPS like SQL, but I'm more curious if this is a global value or if it can be applied on a per VM basis.


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