Blocking access to cached servers

Paule123Paule123 Member Posts: 26 ■□□□□□□□□□

This has been driving me mad the last couple of days and i'm sure one of you clever folk can advise!

We're using a Finjan scanning device setup in an all in one configuration. The proxy scans packet level content and uses rules to allow or deny the content (standard so far eh?)

On the Finjan proxy we have installed:

SSL inspection
Websense plugin

To satisfy security requirements I need to be ableto block users accessing cached results from search engines. Looking through forums I found the command used to block google cache "search?q=cache" which all google cached content is tagged with.

On a standard websense box you can block by keyword using that line - with the plugin you dont get this feature...

Any ideas?

Must be someone else using one of these - somewhere.

Ideally I don't want to block the cache servers by IP address as they'll likely change.


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