Heritage/family tree

earweedearweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
I've seen it mentioned in posts about the lack of minorities in IT and also from people from different places. Even mentions from people wanting to visit where their family originated from. That would be really hard for me as someone from my family ( 2nd or 3rd cousin I think) did one of those extensive family tree things and got it done as a book.
I'm a typical american MUTT. I would have to travel all over europe to go to where my anscestors came from. I am about 1/16 american indian so I have a little native american in me. I think thats where my hairless body comes from but my red hair comes from somewhere else.
I've got the following Scottish, Irish, French, Welsh, English, and american Indian.
Any other mutts out there?
No longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives.


  • Phliplip112Phliplip112 Member Posts: 96 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I'm pretty mixed....

    On my mom's side I'm Scottish/English/Irish type mixture. I've been told I'm related to John Witherspoon via this guy Thomas Dwight Witherspoon.

    Then on my dads side the country of origin is India, then some how made it to Jamaica, which is where my father and his father are from. There are some other nationalities on his side but I cant remember off the top of my head what they are. Plus, there isn't much documentation of his side.

    Then I am a combo of all of that.

    But I am 100% American no matter what anyone says. icon_thumright.gif
  • arwesarwes Member Posts: 633 ■■■□□□□□□□
    In the little I've actually researched, it looks like both sides of my family are from Dutch or German heritage. Funny thing though about my mom's maiden name. They were Arndt, but apparently when they came to the US the name was written down exactly how the immigration people heard it - Arrant. Somewhere down the line the pronunciation became 'A-rant', and they dropped one of the R's.
    [size=-2]Started WGU - BS IT:NDM on 1/1/13, finished 12/31/14
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  • BokehBokeh Member Posts: 1,636 ■■■■■■■□□□
    Mutt - English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish and Slovenian.
  • joey74055joey74055 Member Posts: 216
    Heinz 57 - English, Irish, Scottish, Cherokee, Dutch, German, who knows what else, lol
  • blargoeblargoe Member Posts: 4,174 ■■■■■■■■■□
    1/2 English 1/2 Irish. I traced my dad's side back to a British Navy captain that was granted some land in Virginia about 50 years before the American revolution.
    IT guy since 12/00

    Recent: 11/2019 - RHCSA (RHEL 7); 2/2019 - Updated VCP to 6.5 (just a few days before VMware discontinued the re-cert policy...)
    Working on: RHCE/Ansible
    Future: Probably continued Red Hat Immersion, Possibly VCAP Design, or maybe a completely different path. Depends on job demands...
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