Switching website and email providers

tbgree00tbgree00 Member Posts: 553 ■■■■□□□□□□
I have been using godaddy to host my website for a couple years. At the beginning of the year I decided it would be a great idea to use godaddy's hosted exchange with mobile for my email. I had been using google sync on my Android phone but I kept getting random contacts showing up so I decided to just keep my business contacts in a separate account. The email alone costs 10 per month and the hosting costs 60 per year and I had someone design it and don't know how to do updates myself.

I've been looking at changing it all over to google apps or using mobileme to host the website and email. I'm leaning more toward mobileme since I like iWeb and can use its other features on my iPad and iMac. Amazon has it for 50-70 dollars per year. Google apps would be 50 per year.

As I mentioned I'm currently using a Moto Droid but will get an iPhone should Verizon ever get it. I can't convince the wife to switch right now. That means there is no mobileme contact or calendar syncing but google accounts can handle that. I don't really know what to do but I would prefer not to face the big fees with godaddy. Does anyone have an opinion or experience with any of these services?
I finally started that blog - www.thomgreene.com


  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    Actually, google apps is free. I use it for multiple domains and it works awesome on my iPhone. The $50/year is a premium service (more storage, etc.). I had it for a year but didn't renew since I wasn't anywhere close to it.
  • tbgree00tbgree00 Member Posts: 553 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I saw they had a free verison and actually use that for a small group I participate in. I just wanted access to the migration tool since I have a couple thousand emails and am extremely lazy. I'll poke around in the account I already have and see if the web tools would work for what I want to do.

    I guess I was trying to justify mobileme even though it doesn't make a ton of sense for me. I use dropbox instead of idisk, I don't have the 3g ipad or an iphone so the location tool wouldn't be likely to work, and the email solution isn't a totally great one.

    edit: If I go with the free version I can still waste my money on mobileme and come out saving money! Thanks for letting me know how it worked for you dynamik.
    I finally started that blog - www.thomgreene.com
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