Maven Security - Web Security Dojo

Bl8ckr0uterBl8ckr0uter Inactive Imported Users Posts: 5,031 ■■■■■■■■□□
Has anyone ever used this VM? Specifically I am using the web goat web app by the owasp and I am trying to read session information using web scarab and I am having some trouble. The VM is ubuntu based and I have set the network proxy to the local host using port 8008. But for the life of me I have not gotten any traffic when I am submitting my name on this test page. I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.


  • Bl8ckr0uterBl8ckr0uter Inactive Imported Users Posts: 5,031 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Well I figured out (stupid firefox wasn't picking up my system wide proxy settings even though I told it to).

    Now I am having a problem with resolution to the web goat site. If I set the the proxy to the listening port of web scarab then I can't get to any sites. I am going to try to find a way around this.

    Ok I think I figured this out too. There is a button on the bottom of the page that says accept changes, well I think you actually have to put a change in order for it to work when you click it lol.
  • Bl8ckr0uterBl8ckr0uter Inactive Imported Users Posts: 5,031 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Ok I figured this one out as well. While troubleshooting earlier I put a proxy in the proxy in the proxies section of the web scarab app. Well this isn't needed, unless of course you have a proxy. I just so happened to put so it was forwarding request back to itself. Lol #fail #noob
  • networker050184networker050184 Mod Posts: 11,962 Mod
    Glad we could help!
    An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made.
  • Bl8ckr0uterBl8ckr0uter Inactive Imported Users Posts: 5,031 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Glad we could help!


    In all seriousness the webgoat project is more of a testing environment than a testing tutorial. I thought it was going to be a mix of both (and it is kind of) but it is way more weighted to being a testing environment than anything else IMO. However with the web app hackers handbook in tote, I should be ok.
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