70-649 Fail

ajs1976ajs1976 Member Posts: 1,945 ■■■■□□□□□□
Well, tried a last minute attempt at 70-649 and didn't make it. Going to take a two month break and figure out what is next. Thinking about skipping 2008 and moving onto 2012 R2 material.

2020 Goals: 0 of 2 courses complete, 0 of 2 exams complete


  • LexluetharLexluethar Member Posts: 516
    So you already have your 2003 certification? How long has it been since testing?

    I would think the ideal path would be the 649 then move to upgrading to 2012. I think that depends more on your career goals. Right now 2008 is the most used windows server OS out there, but that will probably change in the next year or two to 2012 R2. If you don't plan on making any career changes in the next few years then i think 2012 would be a good move. If you plan on using these certifications though to gain a job or help your career short-term, you should try to get 2008 done.
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