Pointers to review in MCDST 70-271

timbismarktimbismark Member Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
hello everyone

im lucky that i found this website. there are many keys i learned for the exams thanks for the people who build this website!!! and of corz of the members who shared. more power to you all!!!

im about to take my 70-271 this coming week is anyone here have a pointers to review for that exam? can you share some of the exam objectives and the module to review most that will come up to the exam?

loOking forward to your replies... :)

thanks again... icon_wink.gif


  • Ricka182Ricka182 Member Posts: 3,359
    You can find the objectives for both exams, here. I got a lot of scenario questions, whereas if a user calls in an issue, how would you resolve it, pertaining to connectivity and access, as well as installations of XP, both attended and non. The exam for me was pretty straight forward, but there were a few confusing questions. You can go through a free clinic from M$ which covers both exams seperatly. That's pretty much all I used to pass 271. You'll need a Passport ID from M$, and you can access the clinic, here. I think that covers your question.
    i remain, he who remains to be....
  • timbismarktimbismark Member Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
    thanks again it will help me a lot.... icon_wink.gif

    from your experience what wil be the best path to take first

    A+then MCDST or MCDST first then A+?
  • jkennydjkennyd Member Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Having done both I think the A+ helps with the mcdst and vice versa. I would read up on my sp2 for the 271 and know your permissions. Apart from that it isnt to bad. If you are heading for an MCSA you only need one or the other ie. A+ or Mcdst. I think there is a lot more knowledge to be gained from the A+ as the mcdst is xp specific. Good luck anyway
  • Ricka182Ricka182 Member Posts: 3,359
    I would agree with the above statement. I held my A+ for a few years before I obtained MCDST, but that shouldn't matter. I think the A+ is more comprehensive now, especially with the extra new technologies it covers. When you do go for MCDST, don't forget you permissions, and not juts what they are, but how to use them, troubleshoot them, assisgn them, etc....it's a skill you'll never grow out of.
    i remain, he who remains to be....
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