
Circumventing network security via SSH Tunneling

Forsaken_GAForsaken_GA Member Posts: 4,024
Techexams Preface:

This is a long post. A very long post. I apologize, but I hope the information is good. I'm going to go back to writing a blog, and I'm presently generating content for it, and I'm going to use y'all to vet it. This isn't really Off Topic, but it touches on so many different topics, that this is probably the most appropriate forum for it.

If you have any questions, corrections, or insights that I missed, please feel free to share! This is information I've compiled from years of experience, and what seems obvious to me, may not be obvious to the rest of the world


SSH tunneling is something I've seen a lot of examples of over the years, but the explanations and usage guidelines have been somewhat vague. I suspect someone investigated it enough to do what they want, tossed a couple quick notes together for future reference, and figured 'hey, this might make a good blog post!'. The few texts I've seen that do cover it in depth are heavy on the tech and geek speak, but could afford to be a little more practical.

I'm going to endeavor to be a little more complete, and a little more educational, and maybe, just a little more scary. I'm going to explain the commandlines I use, what the options do, and provide some usage examples. And that's it. I'm not going to go into theory, or history, or anything else.

All of my examples will be openSSH based, because that's what I'm familiar with. I'm sure the same thing is possible with other SSH implementations, but don't ask me how - I don't use them, so I don't know. As well, all of my examples will user ports over 1024. In a unix environment, only root can bind to a port lower than 1024.

So what is SSH tunneling?

In a nutshell, you're connecting two endpoints over the SSH protocol so that it appears they're directly connected, even if that's not the case.

Why would you want to do this? The first, and most obvious benefit, is that any traffic which traverses the tunnel is encrypted. This guarantees a reasonable degree of privacy when using network services over a network you don't trust. For example, let's say that you're on a public wifi network. And you want to check your email. The only thing they have open is port 110 and 143, because the guy who configured the AP is unaware of the existence of POPS and IMAPS. That means your email and your password are sent over the network in cleartext. If you're connected to a wifi network that has no encryption, or uses weak encryption, than anyone with a sniffer can see not only your username and password, but the contents of your email as well.

This is bad.

However, if you were setup to tunnel all of your network traffic over SSH, then absolutely NONE of what was caught off the wire would be visible to the sniffers. You could be on an entirely open network, with no security, and no authentication, and no encryption, and the contents of your data would be perfectly safe.

The second use, and the one people don't like to talk about, is that SSH makes it trivial to circumvent firewall restrictions. For example, let's say your company policy is to block access to external email servers. Sure, you could use webmail, but you'd really like to use your favorite email client.

If the company allows a single port open to the outside world, you can tunnel an SSH connection over that and still use your favorite email client.

I'll get into more details of things like this when I get into the practical applications and examples of each instance.

Forwarding a local port to a remote port

First, the commandline
ssh -f dayne@rhaegar -L 2010:localhost:25 -N
  • ssh: invokes the cli ssh client
  • -f : sends the process to the background. You want to do this, otherwise you need to keep that command window open. If you send it to the background, you can close the window, or whatever, the tunnel will stay active until you either kill the process on purpose, lose network connectivity, or reboot.
  • dayne@rhaegar : my username and the host I'm establishing the tunnel with
  • -N : Tells SSH not to run a command. This is needed since we're using -f. It won't fork without a command, or unless explicitly told not to run a command.
  • -L 2010:localhost:25 : This is where the magic occurs. This says forward my local port of 2010 to your port 25.

So as long as this tunnel is up (ie, as long as the ssh connection stays alive), any time I initiate communication to localhost port 2010, it's the same as if I was connecting to rhaegar on port 25 instead. Did it work? Let's test it!
tyrion:~ Dayne$ telnet localhost 2010
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 rhaegar.rhaegar ESMTP Postfix (Debian/GNU)

Ok, now let's run the same test trying directly to port 25, and let's see if we get the same banner.
tyrion:~ Dayne$ telnet rhaegar 25
Connected to rhaegar.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 rhaegar.rhaegar ESMTP Postfix (Debian/GNU)

Indeed we do.

Common Use cases:

While this may seem like a stupid computer trick, there is a subtle difference. Connecting to port 25 on the remote host and port 2010 on the localhost yield the same results, superficially. However, if I connect to the remote host, it's a direct connection, and port 25 is not encrypted. If I connect to port 2010 on local, that traffic is forwarded over SSH, and is encrypted until it reaches it's destination. This allows me a degree of privacy and security in my communications. After all, if I'm transmitting the go order to blow up Farawayistan back to my henchmen on Skullcrusher Mountain while I'm sipping a venti latte in Starbucks, I don't want to leave any evidence for the local wifi sniffing script kiddies to turn over to the FBI.

In order to actually make my local email client make use of the tunnel, all I would have to do is go into the settings, modify the SMTP server name to, and change the port to 2010. After that, my mail client will send via the tunnel. This example is not limited to only SMTP, obviously. You could just as easily tunnel POP3, IMAP, IMAPS, IRC, etc. If it can connect over TCP, and if you can configure the host and port, you can tunnel it over ssh.

Forwarding a local port to a remote port through an intermediary:

The preceding example only works because the destination server is running ssh. If it was not running ssh, or if the ssh port wasn't open to the world, then the command would have failed.

Let's say I want to check my pop3 mail on mail.earthlink.net, but I want to do it over an ssh tunnel. If I try to use the above example, it will fail.
tyrion:~ Dayne$ ssh -f dayne@mail.earthlink.net -L 2011:localhost:110 -N
ssh: connect to host mail.earthlink.net port 22: Connection refused

Or, it may just hang, indicating that it's being blocked by a firewall. Either way, I cannot directly forward the pop3 traffic over the tunnel. Bummer.

However, there's another way. If I have an ssh connection to anywhere, I can use that as an intermediary. Essentially, what I will do is create a connection that tells the server I'm sshing into that I want it to create a tunnel linking a port on my machine, to a port on a remote machine.

First, what happens if we connect directly to mail.earthlink.net?
tyrion:~ Dayne$ telnet mail.earthlink.net 110
Connected to mail.earthlink.net.
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK NGPopper vEL_0_1_36_P at earthlink.net ready <21976.1308009286@mp-rally.atl.sa.earthlink.net>

We will use this text here to verify that our tunnel is connecting to the correct endpoint later. (And NGPopper guys? really?)

So here's the commandline:
ssh -f dayne@rhaegar -L 2012:mail.earthlink.net:110 -N

Almost the same commandline as before, with one difference
  • -L 2012:mail.earthlink.net:110

Instead of saying localhost between the two ports as up above, I now have the target name of the server I want to forward to. What the commandline basically says is that I want rhaegar to create a tunnel on my local port of 2012, and any traffic that comes over that tunnel, forward it to mail.earthlink.net on port 110. In this way, rhaegar is proxying my connection for me. From mail.earthlink.net's perspective, the connection will be coming from rhaegar, not my local machine. It's important to note that the encryption only applies between my local computer, and the intermediary. So from localhost to rhaegar, the traffic is encrypted. From rhaegar to mail.earthlink.net, the traffic is not encrypted (not by ssh anyway, if it were an SSL connection, then yes, the SSL encryption would still apply).

Does it work?
tyrion:~ Dayne$ telnet localhost 2012
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK NGPopper vEL_0_1_36_P at earthlink.net ready <706.1308009717@mp-sieze.atl.sa.earthlink.net>

It does indeed!

Common use cases:

Again, using the wifi hotspot example - If I have an endpoint that I trust, and have SSH access to, I can now forward my traffic encrypted to that host, and have it act as a proxy for all of my connections. I can once again blow up Farawayistan at my whim, and avoid the local script kiddie narcs. The intermediary server can be anything you have ssh access to. A server you pay for with a company, a server running at home, a server you've 'liberated' from it's proper owners, whatever. If you can ssh to it, you can abuse it.

This use case should be obvious. If I don't have direct ssh access to my endpoint, I can use this technique to get around that. This is also useful in cases where outbound ssh access is limited. For example, some companies only allow external outbound ssh access through a particular server, or group of servers, usually referred to as jump servers. So even if I do have direct ssh access to my endpoint, but I'm prevented by firewall policy from accessing it, I can use the jump server as an intermediary. For the more evil minded among you, this means you can basically tunnel anything you like, as long as you can reach one server which has ssh access. Company just put in a sexy new IronPort, and you're unhappy about it intercepting your SSL traffic? Setup squid on a remote server, then use an ssh tunnel to forward a local port to your new squid server. Alter your browser's proxy settings to point to localhost and the port of the tunnel, and boom, you're now surfing the web free of Big Brother's watchful eye.

Reverse SSH tunneling

Hopefully by now, the concepts of forcing all traffic down a tunnel is starting to make sense. If you're intelligent, and mischievous, and you didn't already know everything I've explained, you are now positively cackling with glee.

Reverse SSH tunneling is the same thing as forward tunneling, except in reverse.

Yeah, I know that seems a little obvious, but it may not explain the situation very well.

In forward tunneling, our goal is to take a local port on our machine, and connect it to a remote port on the other machine. This creates a port listening on our end, connected to a port on the other end.

In reverse tunneling, the goal is to take a remote port on a remote machine, and connect it to a port on the local machine.

The commandline:
ssh -f dayne@rhaegar -R 2020:localhost:22 -N

All the other options are the same as before, the -R command is the only difference, it's used instead of -L (-L = local, -R = remote)

What this command says is that I want the remote machine to create a tunnel that connects port 2020 on the REMOTE machine to port 22 on the LOCAL machine. So now, rhaegar could ssh to port 2020 on localhost, and it would connect back to my laptop on port 22. Does it work?
dayne@rhaegar:~$ ssh -p 2020 localhost
Last login: Mon Jun 13 20:23:25 2011 from localhost
tyrion:~ Dayne$ hostname
tyrion:~ Dayne$ 

Indeed it does.

I can also create a reverse tunnel using my local machine as an intermediary for a tunnel between two remote points.
ssh -f dayne@rhaegar -R 2021:mail.earthlink.net:110 -N

This command tells rhaegar that I want it to create a tunnel between it's port of 2021, go through my machine, with an endpoint of mail.earthlink.net on port 110. All traffic would appear to be coming through my computer, not rhaegar.

Again, does it work?
dayne@rhaegar:~$ telnet localhost 2021
Connected to rhaegar.
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK NGPopper vEL_0_1_36_P at earthlink.net ready <6253.1308011937@mp-sieze.atl.sa.earthlink.net>

It surely does.

Common use cases:

This is commonly used for cases where you want to access an internal network from outside, but are prevented due to other access restrictions. For example, I used to work at a job where all ssh access to computers in the data center was restricted to the NOC's internal network. This is right and proper.

In the datacenter, we had a workstation that was setup with access to our monitoring web pages. So we could go over to the datacenter, and still sees the details of whatever ticket we needed to work on, update the ticket, and communicate with the guys still in the NOC. However, sometimes the problem isn't with the system that's alerting, it's with a system that it's interdependent with. Sure, I could go over and log into the box locally with the root password. But what if it was a problem I needed to research? I'd need to walk back and forth between the monitoring station and the local console. Or I'd need to get one of the guys in the NOC to do it. Or I'd need to go back to my desk in the NOC, which would be nice, unless something else was wrong that required my presence in the data center.

The simplest solution was to be able to work from the data center terminal. But company security policy prevented that kind of access from that terminal.

So what I did was establish a reverse tunnel from my machine in the NOC to the terminal in the data center. Then I could walk over to the remote terminal, log into it, ssh into that machines port I setup for the tunnel, and I was logged into my machine back in the NOC. From there, I had free reign to do whatever I wanted. I potentially created a huge security hole, however, and if management had ever found out about it, it would not have been a pleasant discussion.

Using forward and reverse tunnels in conjunction:

You can use both of these techniques in tandem.

Let's introduce a third machine, daenerys.
dayne@daenerys:~$ ssh -f dayne@rhaegar -R 2020:mail.earthlink.net:110 -N

daenerys has now established a reverse tunnel to rhaegar. rhaegar can now access mail.earthlink.net on port 110 via it's local port of 2020

Now, on my laptop, I establish a forward tunnel from my local port of 2100 to rhaegar's remote port of 2020
tyrion:~ Dayne$ ssh -f dayne@rhaegar -L 2100:localhost:2020 -N

What happens when I telnet to localhost on port 2100 on my laptop?
tyrion:~ Dayne$ telnet localhost 2100
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK NGPopper vEL_0_1_36_P at earthlink.net ready <10480.1308013263@mp-wonder.atl.sa.earthlink.net>

Here's the flow traffic -

My laptop talks to localhost on port 2100, which via the forward tunnel goes to port 2020 on rhaegar. Port 2020 on rhaegar is the reverse tunnel from daenerys. So my traffic goes from the forwarded tunnel, to the reverse tunnel, and ends up coming out of daenerys connected to mail.earthlink.net on port 110.

You can chain this through as many boxes as you'd like. If you wanted, you could create a shadow network of endpoints, all connected by tunnels, all encrypting your traffic.

Defending against unauthorized use of SSH Tunneling:

If you're responsible for network security in your organization, I may have just scared the bejesus out of you. My company just spent a lot of time, and alot of money implementing a data loss prevention plan, and they were very unhappy when I showed them how easy it was for me to circumvent it. Were I a less honest employee, I could have smuggled whatever information out of the company that I wanted, and with the amount of SSH traffic going across the network as part of regular business, a paper trail would have been very difficult to trace back to me, and since all the traffic is encrypted, they would never have been able to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that I was the one who smuggled it out.

The problem comes from the fact that SSH port forwarding is turned on by default by virtually every modern unix-like distribution. Astute system administrators have turned it off. The problem is, you have to go further than that to secure against a smart and determined user.

I've run into a lot of admins for whom it occurred to turn it off. By they didn't think it all the way through.
dayne@rhaegar:~$ ls -alh /usr/sbin/sshd
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 436K Dec 26 13:12 /usr/sbin/sshd

What's wrong with that picture?

The default sshd permissions make it world executable by default. And sshd has a commandline parameter that allows you to specify it's configuration file. It is trivial for me to upload my own sshd_config file with portforwarding turned back on, bind it to a high port, and now all of a sudden, the box has ssh available on another port for me to tunnel through. Unless you've been a total **** with your firewall policies, the security risk is right back where it was.

Ok, so you disable portforwarding, and you removed global execute permission from sshd. I've only encountered an admin that smart once. Are you protected? Maybe. The aforementioned admin was one smart cookie, except he forgot one thing - he didn't remove the compilers and development libraries. So I was able to upload the openssh source, and compile my own version, and then execute it on a high port.

Not many users are willing to go to those lengths to get around your Facebook blocks. But what happens if a user gets their box compromised by someone who is smart enough and determined enough? If you want to secure your infrastructure, you have to think of as many avenues of circumvention as you can, not merely the ones that will help you pass an audit.


My goal here is not to educate people on how to misbehave at work. SSH is a wonderful tool, but like all tools, how you use it makes a difference. I believe in the right to security and privacy, especially in a political environment that seems determined to take it away. I don't care if it makes it harder for the cops to do their job. I have nothing to hide, but my business is my business, and even the most innocuous bit of information can be used to convict someone if it's spun right. I choose to take no chances and jealously guard my privacy, and I recommend others do the same. Politicians can use the 'if we don't do this, the terrorists win!' line as much as they want. It's my opinion that if we allow our personal liberties to be compromised as a reaction against something that might happen, then they've already won.

My personal preaching aside, when it comes to matters of security, I believe in full disclosure. I believe that people have a right to know the threats they're facing, and while demonstrating these techniques may empower some of the bad guys, I believe that most people are good at heart, and it will be used to help guard companies against potential internal threats.

And it's entirely likely that in the vastness of the internet, this will have no noticeable effect at all. Only time will tell.


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    ChooseLifeChooseLife Member Posts: 941 ■■■■■■■□□□
    I only skimmed through, but looks like a great write-up, thanks for sharing.

    To take concerns about ssh tunnels to the next level, there is a nasty (or nice, depending which team you're on) little tool called sshutle. In a nutshell, it's a VPN-over-ssh solution that works with a non-privileged user account and requires zero pre-configuration on the ssh server. Meaning that if I have a regular SSH access to a remote box, I can VPN into the network and the session will be indistinguishable from a regular incoming ssh connection.
    “You don’t become great by trying to be great. You become great by wanting to do something, and then doing it so hard that you become great in the process.” (c) xkcd #896

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    Forsaken_GAForsaken_GA Member Posts: 4,024
    Yup, sshuttle makes use of some of the same techniques, bypassing a few issues that are present in ssh tunneling (namely, tcp-over-tcp), and uses iptables to redirect traffic to the tunnel. It does make it incredibly simple for personal use, especially if you don't want to setup a bunch of individual tunnels.

    However, it does have a couple of drawbacks.

    #1 - You need to be root, or have sudo to use it. You don't need admin rights on the remote box, but you do on the local. That may not always be the case (computer cafe, company furnished workstation, etc)

    #2 - It's unable to do reverse tunneling (at least, it wasn't when I played with it, that may have changed)

    #3 - It requires python on the remote machine (which really isn't an issue, python, like perl, is pretty much installed by default these days)

    Whereas if you do it by the commandline, none of these issues apply. I do recommend it for personal boxes you have root on though, especially if you travel with it. Protect yourself is part of my message!
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    Forsaken_GAForsaken_GA Member Posts: 4,024
    Actually, I should probably elaborate a little bit on sshuttle. It doesn't actually use port forwarding via ssh. What it basically does is make a connection to the remote server, and push a copy of itself that binds on a local port, so the shuttle client pushes data to the sshuttle server running on the remote host. Then it modifies the local firewall to push all traffic over that port, and the server on the other end proxies the connections out to the rest of the internet.

    That means turning off portforwarding in the ssh daemon won't help one bit against this.

    However, it's insanely easy to protect against. A cron script that parses netstat output and kills any processes for which python is listening on will take care of it handily. If you have legitimate python scripts which need to hold ports open, then you can take the process ID's, parse them against the process table, and kill any unauthorized instances. We used to do something like this at the webhost I worked for to make sure that the web server user wasn't running any processes that we hadn't approved (hax0rs love to exploit web sites, and upload their own code, and then run that code)

    That also works for protecting against openssh forwarding as well though. If you see ssh listening on any local port other than the one the daemon is configured on, kill it with fire!

    rhaegar:~# netstat -tapn | awk '{print $4,$7}' | grep sshd 15989/sshd: 16634/sshd 16914/sshd: 16283/sshd: 15986/sshd: 16911/sshd: 15992/sshd:
    ::1:2020 15989/sshd:

    That is a dead giveaway that procs 15989, 16914, and 15989 are tunneled connections

    However, this is easily circumvented as well. If the main sshd executeable is readable, then the user can simply copy it to their home directory, rename it to something else, and then rexecute it listening on a higher port.

    here I just copied /usr/sbin/sshd to /home/dayne/sshd2, and ran it against a config file in my home directory:

    dayne@rhaegar:~$ netstat -tapn | grep ssh
    (Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
    will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 17027/sshd2

    So I can disguise the process to look like whatever name I want. Can't do that with sshuttle though, it invokes python, and python does the binding.

    Of course than you could always copy the python executable, rename it, and modify sshuttle to call that instead, so on, so forth.

    This is very much a cat and mouse game.

    My personal preference is to just chroot all users to their home directories except the ones I really trust. That kills alot of these problems (but can cause others, depending on the needs of the environment)
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    ChooseLifeChooseLife Member Posts: 941 ■■■■■■■□□□
    Whereas if you do it by the commandline, none of these issues apply. I do recommend it for personal boxes you have root on though, especially if you travel with it. Protect yourself is part of my message!
    I happen to look at it from a different angle - that of a sysadmin who would like their users to not have the ability to establish unauthorized VPN sessions into the network at their discretion.
    “You don’t become great by trying to be great. You become great by wanting to do something, and then doing it so hard that you become great in the process.” (c) xkcd #896

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    Forsaken_GAForsaken_GA Member Posts: 4,024
    ChooseLife wrote: »
    I happen to look at it from a different angle - that of a sysadmin who would like their users to not have the ability to establish unauthorized VPN sessions into the network at their discretion.

    I agree. If you just skimmed it, you probably missed the part where I outlined all of this for my company after we spent alot of time and money implementing data loss prevention plans. They were not pleased. I'm one of the folks responsible for what traffic goes across the network, so I regarded it as my duty to bring this to the attention of the risk management team. Where it goes from there, is up to them. Using sshuttle doesn't remove their ability to establish VPN's into the network at the users discretion. They just have to use another tool to do it. If they have an ssh client, they have that tool.

    SSH, and tools like it, are alot like guns from my point of view. You can either use it for self-defense and the protection of ones you love, or you can go on a killing spree. The tool itself isn't at fault - nature abhors a vacuum, if there's a desire or a need for something, it will get filled sooner or later. For the individual, the tools are wonderful protection tools. For the enterprise, this can be a disaster waiting to happen.
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    ChooseLifeChooseLife Member Posts: 941 ■■■■■■■□□□
    I agree. If you just skimmed it, you probably missed the part where I outlined all of this for my company after we spent alot of time and money implementing data loss prevention plans. They were not pleased.
    I can imagine. OTOH, wouldn't/shouldn't a team designing data loss prevention have someone technical who'd know these vectors already?
    SSH, and tools like it, are alot like guns from my point of view. You can either use it for self-defense and the protection of ones you love, or you can go on a killing spree. The tool itself isn't at fault
    Oh certainly, I'm not bashing the tool, a properly working tcp-over-tcp implementation is quite a curious engineering solution. I brought it up here for the same reason you showed tunneling to the risk management team - just so that people are aware of these risks.
    “You don’t become great by trying to be great. You become great by wanting to do something, and then doing it so hard that you become great in the process.” (c) xkcd #896

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    Forsaken_GAForsaken_GA Member Posts: 4,024
    ChooseLife wrote: »
    I can imagine. OTOH, wouldn't/shouldn't a team designing data loss prevention have someone technical who'd know these vectors already?

    Yeah, let's just say that, whenever possible, I stick to the technical stuff, and let others deal with the politics.

    The sad thing is, even most audits don't consider it. I suspect that everyone thinks it's too technically oriented to be a common compromise vector. Or they simply don't know about it.
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    TurgonTurgon Banned Posts: 6,308 ■■■■■■■■■□
    Techexams Preface:

    This is a long post. A very long post. I apologize, but I hope the information is good. I'm going to go back to writing a blog, and I'm presently generating content for it, and I'm going to use y'all to vet it. This isn't really Off Topic, but it touches on so many different topics, that this is probably the most appropriate forum for it.

    If you have any questions, corrections, or insights that I missed, please feel free to share! This is information I've compiled from years of experience, and what seems obvious to me, may not be obvious to the rest of the world


    SSH tunneling is something I've seen a lot of examples of over the years, but the explanations and usage guidelines have been somewhat vague. I suspect someone investigated it enough to do what they want, tossed a couple quick notes together for future reference, and figured 'hey, this might make a good blog post!'. The few texts I've seen that do cover it in depth are heavy on the tech and geek speak, but could afford to be a little more practical.

    I'm going to endeavor to be a little more complete, and a little more educational, and maybe, just a little more scary. I'm going to explain the commandlines I use, what the options do, and provide some usage examples. And that's it. I'm not going to go into theory, or history, or anything else.

    All of my examples will be openSSH based, because that's what I'm familiar with. I'm sure the same thing is possible with other SSH implementations, but don't ask me how - I don't use them, so I don't know. As well, all of my examples will user ports over 1024. In a unix environment, only root can bind to a port lower than 1024.

    So what is SSH tunneling?

    In a nutshell, you're connecting two endpoints over the SSH protocol so that it appears they're directly connected, even if that's not the case.

    Why would you want to do this? The first, and most obvious benefit, is that any traffic which traverses the tunnel is encrypted. This guarantees a reasonable degree of privacy when using network services over a network you don't trust. For example, let's say that you're on a public wifi network. And you want to check your email. The only thing they have open is port 110 and 143, because the guy who configured the AP is unaware of the existence of POPS and IMAPS. That means your email and your password are sent over the network in cleartext. If you're connected to a wifi network that has no encryption, or uses weak encryption, than anyone with a sniffer can see not only your username and password, but the contents of your email as well.

    This is bad.

    However, if you were setup to tunnel all of your network traffic over SSH, then absolutely NONE of what was caught off the wire would be visible to the sniffers. You could be on an entirely open network, with no security, and no authentication, and no encryption, and the contents of your data would be perfectly safe.

    The second use, and the one people don't like to talk about, is that SSH makes it trivial to circumvent firewall restrictions. For example, let's say your company policy is to block access to external email servers. Sure, you could use webmail, but you'd really like to use your favorite email client.

    If the company allows a single port open to the outside world, you can tunnel an SSH connection over that and still use your favorite email client.

    I'll get into more details of things like this when I get into the practical applications and examples of each instance.

    Forwarding a local port to a remote port

    First, the commandline
    ssh -f dayne@rhaegar -L 2010:localhost:25 -N
    • ssh: invokes the cli ssh client
    • -f : sends the process to the background. You want to do this, otherwise you need to keep that command window open. If you send it to the background, you can close the window, or whatever, the tunnel will stay active until you either kill the process on purpose, lose network connectivity, or reboot.
    • dayne@rhaegar : my username and the host I'm establishing the tunnel with
    • -N : Tells SSH not to run a command. This is needed since we're using -f. It won't fork without a command, or unless explicitly told not to run a command.
    • -L 2010:localhost:25 : This is where the magic occurs. This says forward my local port of 2010 to your port 25.

    So as long as this tunnel is up (ie, as long as the ssh connection stays alive), any time I initiate communication to localhost port 2010, it's the same as if I was connecting to rhaegar on port 25 instead. Did it work? Let's test it!
    tyrion:~ Dayne$ telnet localhost 2010
    Connected to localhost.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    220 rhaegar.rhaegar ESMTP Postfix (Debian/GNU)

    Ok, now let's run the same test trying directly to port 25, and let's see if we get the same banner.
    tyrion:~ Dayne$ telnet rhaegar 25
    Connected to rhaegar.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    220 rhaegar.rhaegar ESMTP Postfix (Debian/GNU)

    Indeed we do.

    Common Use cases:

    While this may seem like a stupid computer trick, there is a subtle difference. Connecting to port 25 on the remote host and port 2010 on the localhost yield the same results, superficially. However, if I connect to the remote host, it's a direct connection, and port 25 is not encrypted. If I connect to port 2010 on local, that traffic is forwarded over SSH, and is encrypted until it reaches it's destination. This allows me a degree of privacy and security in my communications. After all, if I'm transmitting the go order to blow up Farawayistan back to my henchmen on Skullcrusher Mountain while I'm sipping a venti latte in Starbucks, I don't want to leave any evidence for the local wifi sniffing script kiddies to turn over to the FBI.

    In order to actually make my local email client make use of the tunnel, all I would have to do is go into the settings, modify the SMTP server name to, and change the port to 2010. After that, my mail client will send via the tunnel. This example is not limited to only SMTP, obviously. You could just as easily tunnel POP3, IMAP, IMAPS, IRC, etc. If it can connect over TCP, and if you can configure the host and port, you can tunnel it over ssh.

    Forwarding a local port to a remote port through an intermediary:

    The preceding example only works because the destination server is running ssh. If it was not running ssh, or if the ssh port wasn't open to the world, then the command would have failed.

    Let's say I want to check my pop3 mail on mail.earthlink.net, but I want to do it over an ssh tunnel. If I try to use the above example, it will fail.
    tyrion:~ Dayne$ ssh -f dayne@mail.earthlink.net -L 2011:localhost:110 -N
    ssh: connect to host mail.earthlink.net port 22: Connection refused

    Or, it may just hang, indicating that it's being blocked by a firewall. Either way, I cannot directly forward the pop3 traffic over the tunnel. Bummer.

    However, there's another way. If I have an ssh connection to anywhere, I can use that as an intermediary. Essentially, what I will do is create a connection that tells the server I'm sshing into that I want it to create a tunnel linking a port on my machine, to a port on a remote machine.

    First, what happens if we connect directly to mail.earthlink.net?
    tyrion:~ Dayne$ telnet mail.earthlink.net 110
    Connected to mail.earthlink.net.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    +OK NGPopper vEL_0_1_36_P at earthlink.net ready <21976.1308009286@mp-rally.atl.sa.earthlink.net>

    We will use this text here to verify that our tunnel is connecting to the correct endpoint later. (And NGPopper guys? really?)

    So here's the commandline:
    ssh -f dayne@rhaegar -L 2012:mail.earthlink.net:110 -N

    Almost the same commandline as before, with one difference
    • -L 2012:mail.earthlink.net:110

    Instead of saying localhost between the two ports as up above, I now have the target name of the server I want to forward to. What the commandline basically says is that I want rhaegar to create a tunnel on my local port of 2012, and any traffic that comes over that tunnel, forward it to mail.earthlink.net on port 110. In this way, rhaegar is proxying my connection for me. From mail.earthlink.net's perspective, the connection will be coming from rhaegar, not my local machine. It's important to note that the encryption only applies between my local computer, and the intermediary. So from localhost to rhaegar, the traffic is encrypted. From rhaegar to mail.earthlink.net, the traffic is not encrypted (not by ssh anyway, if it were an SSL connection, then yes, the SSL encryption would still apply).

    Does it work?
    tyrion:~ Dayne$ telnet localhost 2012
    Trying ::1...
    Connected to localhost.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    +OK NGPopper vEL_0_1_36_P at earthlink.net ready <706.1308009717@mp-sieze.atl.sa.earthlink.net>

    It does indeed!

    Common use cases:

    Again, using the wifi hotspot example - If I have an endpoint that I trust, and have SSH access to, I can now forward my traffic encrypted to that host, and have it act as a proxy for all of my connections. I can once again blow up Farawayistan at my whim, and avoid the local script kiddie narcs. The intermediary server can be anything you have ssh access to. A server you pay for with a company, a server running at home, a server you've 'liberated' from it's proper owners, whatever. If you can ssh to it, you can abuse it.

    This use case should be obvious. If I don't have direct ssh access to my endpoint, I can use this technique to get around that. This is also useful in cases where outbound ssh access is limited. For example, some companies only allow external outbound ssh access through a particular server, or group of servers, usually referred to as jump servers. So even if I do have direct ssh access to my endpoint, but I'm prevented by firewall policy from accessing it, I can use the jump server as an intermediary. For the more evil minded among you, this means you can basically tunnel anything you like, as long as you can reach one server which has ssh access. Company just put in a sexy new IronPort, and you're unhappy about it intercepting your SSL traffic? Setup squid on a remote server, then use an ssh tunnel to forward a local port to your new squid server. Alter your browser's proxy settings to point to localhost and the port of the tunnel, and boom, you're now surfing the web free of Big Brother's watchful eye.

    Reverse SSH tunneling

    Hopefully by now, the concepts of forcing all traffic down a tunnel is starting to make sense. If you're intelligent, and mischievous, and you didn't already know everything I've explained, you are now positively cackling with glee.

    Reverse SSH tunneling is the same thing as forward tunneling, except in reverse.

    Yeah, I know that seems a little obvious, but it may not explain the situation very well.

    In forward tunneling, our goal is to take a local port on our machine, and connect it to a remote port on the other machine. This creates a port listening on our end, connected to a port on the other end.

    In reverse tunneling, the goal is to take a remote port on a remote machine, and connect it to a port on the local machine.

    The commandline:
    ssh -f dayne@rhaegar -R 2020:localhost:22 -N

    All the other options are the same as before, the -R command is the only difference, it's used instead of -L (-L = local, -R = remote)

    What this command says is that I want the remote machine to create a tunnel that connects port 2020 on the REMOTE machine to port 22 on the LOCAL machine. So now, rhaegar could ssh to port 2020 on localhost, and it would connect back to my laptop on port 22. Does it work?
    dayne@rhaegar:~$ ssh -p 2020 localhost
    Last login: Mon Jun 13 20:23:25 2011 from localhost
    tyrion:~ Dayne$ hostname
    tyrion:~ Dayne$ 

    Indeed it does.

    I can also create a reverse tunnel using my local machine as an intermediary for a tunnel between two remote points.
    ssh -f dayne@rhaegar -R 2021:mail.earthlink.net:110 -N

    This command tells rhaegar that I want it to create a tunnel between it's port of 2021, go through my machine, with an endpoint of mail.earthlink.net on port 110. All traffic would appear to be coming through my computer, not rhaegar.

    Again, does it work?
    dayne@rhaegar:~$ telnet localhost 2021
    Connected to rhaegar.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    +OK NGPopper vEL_0_1_36_P at earthlink.net ready <6253.1308011937@mp-sieze.atl.sa.earthlink.net>

    It surely does.

    Common use cases:

    This is commonly used for cases where you want to access an internal network from outside, but are prevented due to other access restrictions. For example, I used to work at a job where all ssh access to computers in the data center was restricted to the NOC's internal network. This is right and proper.

    In the datacenter, we had a workstation that was setup with access to our monitoring web pages. So we could go over to the datacenter, and still sees the details of whatever ticket we needed to work on, update the ticket, and communicate with the guys still in the NOC. However, sometimes the problem isn't with the system that's alerting, it's with a system that it's interdependent with. Sure, I could go over and log into the box locally with the root password. But what if it was a problem I needed to research? I'd need to walk back and forth between the monitoring station and the local console. Or I'd need to get one of the guys in the NOC to do it. Or I'd need to go back to my desk in the NOC, which would be nice, unless something else was wrong that required my presence in the data center.

    The simplest solution was to be able to work from the data center terminal. But company security policy prevented that kind of access from that terminal.

    So what I did was establish a reverse tunnel from my machine in the NOC to the terminal in the data center. Then I could walk over to the remote terminal, log into it, ssh into that machines port I setup for the tunnel, and I was logged into my machine back in the NOC. From there, I had free reign to do whatever I wanted. I potentially created a huge security hole, however, and if management had ever found out about it, it would not have been a pleasant discussion.

    Using forward and reverse tunnels in conjunction:

    You can use both of these techniques in tandem.

    Let's introduce a third machine, daenerys.
    dayne@daenerys:~$ ssh -f dayne@rhaegar -R 2020:mail.earthlink.net:110 -N

    daenerys has now established a reverse tunnel to rhaegar. rhaegar can now access mail.earthlink.net on port 110 via it's local port of 2020

    Now, on my laptop, I establish a forward tunnel from my local port of 2100 to rhaegar's remote port of 2020
    tyrion:~ Dayne$ ssh -f dayne@rhaegar -L 2100:localhost:2020 -N

    What happens when I telnet to localhost on port 2100 on my laptop?
    tyrion:~ Dayne$ telnet localhost 2100
    Connected to localhost.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    +OK NGPopper vEL_0_1_36_P at earthlink.net ready <10480.1308013263@mp-wonder.atl.sa.earthlink.net>

    Here's the flow traffic -

    My laptop talks to localhost on port 2100, which via the forward tunnel goes to port 2020 on rhaegar. Port 2020 on rhaegar is the reverse tunnel from daenerys. So my traffic goes from the forwarded tunnel, to the reverse tunnel, and ends up coming out of daenerys connected to mail.earthlink.net on port 110.

    You can chain this through as many boxes as you'd like. If you wanted, you could create a shadow network of endpoints, all connected by tunnels, all encrypting your traffic.

    Defending against unauthorized use of SSH Tunneling:

    If you're responsible for network security in your organization, I may have just scared the bejesus out of you. My company just spent a lot of time, and alot of money implementing a data loss prevention plan, and they were very unhappy when I showed them how easy it was for me to circumvent it. Were I a less honest employee, I could have smuggled whatever information out of the company that I wanted, and with the amount of SSH traffic going across the network as part of regular business, a paper trail would have been very difficult to trace back to me, and since all the traffic is encrypted, they would never have been able to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that I was the one who smuggled it out.

    The problem comes from the fact that SSH port forwarding is turned on by default by virtually every modern unix-like distribution. Astute system administrators have turned it off. The problem is, you have to go further than that to secure against a smart and determined user.

    I've run into a lot of admins for whom it occurred to turn it off. By they didn't think it all the way through.
    dayne@rhaegar:~$ ls -alh /usr/sbin/sshd
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 436K Dec 26 13:12 /usr/sbin/sshd

    What's wrong with that picture?

    The default sshd permissions make it world executable by default. And sshd has a commandline parameter that allows you to specify it's configuration file. It is trivial for me to upload my own sshd_config file with portforwarding turned back on, bind it to a high port, and now all of a sudden, the box has ssh available on another port for me to tunnel through. Unless you've been a total **** with your firewall policies, the security risk is right back where it was.

    Ok, so you disable portforwarding, and you removed global execute permission from sshd. I've only encountered an admin that smart once. Are you protected? Maybe. The aforementioned admin was one smart cookie, except he forgot one thing - he didn't remove the compilers and development libraries. So I was able to upload the openssh source, and compile my own version, and then execute it on a high port.

    Not many users are willing to go to those lengths to get around your Facebook blocks. But what happens if a user gets their box compromised by someone who is smart enough and determined enough? If you want to secure your infrastructure, you have to think of as many avenues of circumvention as you can, not merely the ones that will help you pass an audit.


    My goal here is not to educate people on how to misbehave at work. SSH is a wonderful tool, but like all tools, how you use it makes a difference. I believe in the right to security and privacy, especially in a political environment that seems determined to take it away. I don't care if it makes it harder for the cops to do their job. I have nothing to hide, but my business is my business, and even the most innocuous bit of information can be used to convict someone if it's spun right. I choose to take no chances and jealously guard my privacy, and I recommend others do the same. Politicians can use the 'if we don't do this, the terrorists win!' line as much as they want. It's my opinion that if we allow our personal liberties to be compromised as a reaction against something that might happen, then they've already won.

    My personal preaching aside, when it comes to matters of security, I believe in full disclosure. I believe that people have a right to know the threats they're facing, and while demonstrating these techniques may empower some of the bad guys, I believe that most people are good at heart, and it will be used to help guard companies against potential internal threats.

    And it's entirely likely that in the vastness of the internet, this will have no noticeable effect at all. Only time will tell.

    Years back we had a solaris specialist who wanted to work from home. He would reverse telnet to his home computer using ssh and when at home connect back to his work PC using this established connection. One issue with these hacks is that while one could argue the tunnel is secure no gurantees could be made about his home PC because it was not locked down. We had no remote desktop policies or VPNs back then. Should his uncontrolled system be compromised the bad guys would be straight in other than a desktop login on the work PC.
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    Forsaken_GAForsaken_GA Member Posts: 4,024
    Turgon wrote: »
    Years back we had a solaris specialist who wanted to work from home. He would reverse telnet to his home computer using ssh and when at home connect back to his work PC using this established connection. One issue with these hacks is that while one could argue the tunnel is secure no gurantees could be made about his home PC because it was not locked down. We had no remote desktop policies or VPNs back then. Should his uncontrolled system be compromised the bad guys would be straight in other than a desktop login on the work PC.

    You're an evil man for quoting the entire thing ;)

    And yeah. I know a few guys who leave permanent reverse tunnels to their work computers so that they don't have to get out their laptop, log on to the VPN, and can then work. This is strictly against company policy, but you can't overlook the convenience (or the laziness) factor.

    Although to be honest, given that our VPN infrastructure relies on SecureID, right now, I trust a reverse SSH tunnel to be more secure.
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    TurgonTurgon Banned Posts: 6,308 ■■■■■■■■■□
    You're an evil man for quoting the entire thing ;)

    And yeah. I know a few guys who leave permanent reverse tunnels to their work computers so that they don't have to get out their laptop, log on to the VPN, and can then work. This is strictly against company policy, but you can't overlook the convenience (or the laziness) factor.

    Although to be honest, given that our VPN infrastructure relies on SecureID, right now, I trust a reverse SSH tunnel to be more secure.

    RSA seems to be getting some bad press right now ;)
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    TurgonTurgon Banned Posts: 6,308 ■■■■■■■■■□
    The sad thing is, even most audits don't consider it. I suspect that everyone thinks it's too technically oriented to be a common compromise vector. Or they simply don't know about it.

    They dont know about it. We were doing this 10 years ago. It's just another symptom of the security field being behind and not involving enough technical specialists. I recall someone who made a name for himself in the certification space some years ago, he had his own website, moving into security. In a short period of time he began to appreciate how little he actually knew or understood about networking. To be fair, at the technical level it can be challenging for generalists. Not too many people can stand up and talk about TCP handshaking or multiplex sockets and survive. Same with sliding window, same with any number of man in the middle attacks. Awareness of layer 4 mechanics is poor. Even Cisco dont teach it well. For my part, I welcome good advice concerning network security as I am rather busy these days on architecture. It just grates sometimes when a pentest impacts the network, or the recommendations come from someone who offers insights that are a revelation to them as they just read about it, but we have been doing it and doing it well for years.
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    instant000instant000 Member Posts: 1,745
    Thanks for the post. Much appreciated.
    Currently Working: CCIE R&S
    LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/lewislampkin (Please connect: Just say you're from TechExams.Net!)
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    veritas_libertasveritas_libertas Member Posts: 5,746 ■■■■■■■■■■
    Nice. I've always struggled with using SSH in the past, so this is going to be useful in the future.
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    Bl8ckr0uterBl8ckr0uter Inactive Imported Users Posts: 5,031 ■■■■■■■■□□
    +Rep this post is incredible. Now the question becomes, how do you prevent it? HIDS to detect SSH processes running on workstations and stop it? Severe lockdown on workstation? DPI on Firewall?

    *You must spread some rep around ...icon_sad.gif
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    AhriakinAhriakin Member Posts: 1,799 ■■■■■■■■□□
    +Rep this post is incredible. Now the question becomes, how do you prevent it? HIDS to detect SSH processes running on workstations and stop it? Severe lockdown on workstation? DPI on Firewall?

    Like anything nowadays use a blended/defense-in-depth approach:

    Lock the workstations down, set the local firewall policy to only allow SSH to certain hosts (easily overcome with simple port changes, see next).

    Have an IPS that can reliably detect SSH over non-standard ports, have it included in your acceptable use policy that this should be an immediate shut-the-host-down scenario when verified. Evasion attempts should be zero-tolerance, no matter how 'benign' the reason seems. Often punishment is not there to reflect the severity of one offense but to provide a strong deterrent to others. This is one of those cases where you may have to put someone through the ringer just because they were attempting to stream from their home music collection because the ease with which this can be done stealthily requires a relatively severe response (as the chance of being caught goes down the cost when it happens needs to increase in order to balance the deterrent aspect).

    Use a Firewall/UTM with SSH interception (they do exist), so you can log and inspect on the unencrypted stream.

    Feed to a SIEM that can report on traffic anomalies (either through transaction logs or flow info). If you see large and/or long lasting connections on odd ports investigate...

    Keep an eye on forums like this to see when and how someone bypasses everything you've done :)
    We responded to the Year 2000 issue with "Y2K" solutions...isn't this the kind of thinking that got us into trouble in the first place?
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    Bl8ckr0uterBl8ckr0uter Inactive Imported Users Posts: 5,031 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Ahriakin wrote: »

    Use a Firewall/UTM with SSH interception (they do exist), so you can log and inspect on the unencrypted stream.

    SSH interception huh? I don't think I have heard of it icon_redface.gif. I need to go take a look at that.
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    rogue2shadowrogue2shadow Member Posts: 1,501 ■■■■■■■■□□
    +Rep. Great post; read this at work. I've played around with various tunneling strats in my lab at home but haven't gotten around to using ssh in this manner.
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    instant000instant000 Member Posts: 1,745
    Ahriakin wrote: »
    Like anything nowadays use a blended/defense-in-depth approach:

    Hah. Sounds about like the type of environment I'm working in.

    But no matter the environment, vigilance is required. No need to have the equipment give an alert, if the admin is not going to respond to it.

    Another thing: make sure you get the clear from the legal department, prior to reporting anything that could get someone fired.
    Currently Working: CCIE R&S
    LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/lewislampkin (Please connect: Just say you're from TechExams.Net!)
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    exampasserexampasser Member Posts: 718 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Great post. You can also run squid as a proxy server on the ssh server to reduce the number of forwarded ports you have to make.
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    Forsaken_GAForsaken_GA Member Posts: 4,024
    SSH interception huh? I don't think I have heard of it icon_redface.gif. I need to go take a look at that.

    It's the same concept as SSL interception. Basically you have a host that terminates the SSH request, and then establishes the session for you outbound from there.

    It's basically a man in the middle attack on purpose.

    The response that our Risk team seems to involve favoring right now is to just rip the ssh clients off of all the workstations entirely, and implement a web based approach to where, if you want shell access into a server, you click a link, and it configures and starts an NX session.That will get rid of the forwarding concerns from the workstations, but doesn't address concerns from the servers themselves. It's a difficult problem, because we have users that have legitimate need to ssh out to the internet at large.
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    Forsaken_GAForsaken_GA Member Posts: 4,024
    Ahriakin wrote: »
    Have an IPS that can reliably detect SSH over non-standard ports, have it included in your acceptable use policy that this should be an immediate shut-the-host-down scenario when verified.

    This one is always fun to get around. Then you get to experiment with encapsulating SSH with another protocol in order to hide your SSH traffic, which is hiding your **** stream! I'm a big fan of using split tunneled VPN sessions to hide my SSH tunnels in the IPSEC tunnel.
    Evasion attempts should be zero-tolerance, no matter how 'benign' the reason seems. Often punishment is not there to reflect the severity of one offense but to provide a strong deterrent to others. This is one of those cases where you may have to put someone through the ringer just because they were attempting to stream from their home music collection because the ease with which this can be done stealthily requires a relatively severe response (as the chance of being caught goes down the cost when it happens needs to increase in order to balance the deterrent aspect).

    This is the real and proper answer. If you have to allow outbound access for any reason, then the game becomes zero sum with move and countermove. I personally feel it's better to focus on detection than prevention. It's alot easier to respond to an attempt by shutting the port down and guiding the offender into an unpleasant meeting with HR.
    Feed to a SIEM that can report on traffic anomalies (either through transaction logs or flow info). If you see large and/or long lasting connections on odd ports investigate...

    Also fun! Then you get to see if you have any sneaky bastards who are smart enough to have multiple endpoints to tunnel through and tear down and build new sessions for each flow to make the traffic blend in better.
    Keep an eye on forums like this to see when and how someone bypasses everything you've done :)

    Yup, this is why I believe in full disclosure, information helps everyone. I personally believe that trying to sniff and identify the traffic off the wire is a losing game, too many ways to disguise it. I believe restricting outbound SSH access to jump servers, and then focusing anomaly detection on those jump servers is the best way to detect what's going on.
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    Forsaken_GAForsaken_GA Member Posts: 4,024
    exampasser wrote: »
    Great post. You can also run squid as a proxy server on the ssh server to reduce the number of forwarded ports you have to make.

    Yup, or you can setup a SOCKS proxy on the other end. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination. I have seen some incredibly devious tactics that people use to get around firewall restrictions.

    And I may have performed some of them myself. I went a step further to disguising my traffic, I disguised it's origin. Some gratuitous ARPing and a spoofed MAC knocked another workstation offline, I stole the IP, ran a crap load of bittorrent traffic through it, and when the netadmin looked at the netflow logs to see what caused the spike, it naturally pointed toward the other computer.

    Since they were running windows, the box was judged to be compromised, and it got flattened and reinstalled.

    Knowledge is a wondeful thing.

    And exceedingly dangerous in the wrong hands.
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    Bl8ckr0uterBl8ckr0uter Inactive Imported Users Posts: 5,031 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Yup, or you can setup a SOCKS proxy on the other end. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination. I have seen some incredibly devious tactics that people use to get around firewall restrictions.

    And I may have performed some of them myself. I went a step further to disguising my traffic, I disguised it's origin. Some gratuitous ARPing and a spoofed MAC knocked another workstation offline, I stole the IP, ran a crap load of bittorrent traffic through it, and when the netadmin looked at the netflow logs to see what caused the spike, it naturally pointed toward the other computer.

    Since they were running windows, the box was judged to be compromised, and it got flattened and reinstalled.

    Knowledge is a wondeful thing.

    And exceedingly dangerous in the wrong hands.


    Well done icon_thumright.gif
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    Forsaken_GAForsaken_GA Member Posts: 4,024

    Well done icon_thumright.gif

    If the net admin had been smart enough to log port changes for ARP (Force10 switches can do that), then I may have been busted. The fact that he never even considered it just made me shake my head.

    A large part of circumventing policy is gleaning what information you can from the environment. Knowing the type of hardware in use, the layout of the network, and most importantly, knowing the PEOPLE who watch over it, and their habits and their mannerisms, give you a reasonable idea of what you can slip through. Against a vigilant admin, skilled in forensics, I never would have slipped that kiddie play though (I would have just spoofed the MAC and then ran a cord from that port to my own so the port never changed, and plugged in a loopback so my port appeared to stay up, but I would have only been able to get away with that because I knew there were no security cameras between us)

    I have an evil mind. And I'm far from unique, there are plenty of people who think along the same lines, they just don't talk about it. Fortunately for my employers, I also have a conscience.
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