Terms of Service

By joining our community, you acknowledge and agree to the following Terms of Service:
You must be at least 18 years old to join the community. By becoming a member, you warrant you are at least 18 years old.
All messages express the views of the author; TechExams and Infosec will not be held responsible for the content of any message.
Forum administrators and moderators may delete, edit, move or close any post or discussion at any time.
By posting in our forums you grant us a non-exclusive right to publish that content in our community. Any personal information will be removed per request. Members who “wish to be forgotten” may request all of their past posts be moved under an anonymized author name.
TechExams and its subcommunities are owned by Infosec and hosted by Vanilla Forums. Personal data stored on the platform will be used by Infosec and Vanilla Forums to provide community-related services. We may also use your email provided during registration to send you updates about Infosec and the community, including activity notifications. As a member, you control how you are notified. While some users prefer to be notified by growl pop-ups, some may prefer to be notified by email. To see or modify these settings, access your individual "notification preferences" on your profile page. Forum members may opt out of Infosec marketing emails at any time by clicking "unsubscribe" at the bottom of each email.