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Alan Turing, Account Executive
Enigma Corp | Cryptanalysis Software & ServicesProofread. We
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TechGromit Member Posts: 2,156 ■■■■■■■■■□
- Be a nice human.
Seems like discrimination, humans only. Welcome to Techexams, NO ALIENS ALLOWED!
Stay on topic.
I’ll make sure I take my Ritalin before posting.
.No cheaters allowed.
What? Why do you think I’m divorced?
- No stealing.
Not even for us suffering from Kleptomania?
· No shameless promotion.
That’s a shame.
· Proofread.
If I could Sppell, I wouldn’t need sppell checkers.
- If you see something, say something!
I would just like to say all the posts I read by TechGromit, is wisdom that should be preserved for forever, Stones tables, perhaps even carved into the side of Mount Rushmore.
Still searching for the corner in a round room. -
Meggo Registered Users Posts: 197 ■■■■■□□□□□
I called Mount Rushmore for you, but they said they were full. -
kaiju Member Posts: 453 ■■■■■■■□□□
Will new users be "guided" to the Introduction thread before being allowed to post in every forum?
Work smarter NOT harder! Semper Gumby! -
E Double U Member Posts: 2,243 ■■■■■■■■■■
Be a nice human - professional, kind, and respectful at all times.
No cheaters allowed - no brain ****
No stealing
TE - you are clipping my wings!Alphabet soup from (ISC)2, ISACA, GIAC, EC-Council, Microsoft, ITIL, Cisco, Scrum, CompTIA, AWS -
PeterKhitin Member Posts: 13 ■■■□□□□□□□
I have a question? At what point will be able to insert links ? I think I've been here "long enough". Why do I still get this every time I want to share something? It's discouraging