
Best CCSP Book ( ISC2 CBK vs All-in-One exam ) ?

SeabSeab Member Posts: 127

I'm looking to pass the exam during mid or end of March, so about 2 months from now. I started the Cybrary video/mp3. At the moment, there is no surprise, nothing I can say I'm not familiar with, but I'm not finished yet, two modules to go.
Also mentioning that I passed CISSP about 7 months ago, I guess some concepts are still fresh somehow.

From the previous posts about CCSP it seems like the CSA Guide is a great resource to study and I will go through. But now I need to choose the best book, and luckily or unluckily there is two at the moment :

[h=1]CCSP Certified Cloud Security Professional All-In-One Exam Guide - December 2016[/h][h=1]The Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CCSP CBK - June 2016[/h]
Until now, the Official CBK seems have been the best version around, also considering it was the only book available. icon_study.gif
Some are saying it's a great resource, some are saying it's not that good.

Anyone has experience with the All-In-One? Which I think I would prefer considering they have an external point of view for the exam and also including practice questions.


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    mog27mog27 Member Posts: 302
    I used the official CBK among the other common resources (CSA, NIST, etc). The all-in-one came out right after I passed the exam. I saw the book while browsing at the local bookstore, flipped through it, and to me it seemed decent while just browsing through it. It also has good reviews on amazon so far.
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    SeabSeab Member Posts: 127
    Thanks, indeed the reviews are pretty good, but limited to two from Amazon.com and the book is not released yet on the old continent.
    But I think I will go with the 'All-in-one' as I am confident they have done a good job to keep up with the reputation of the editor
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    Mike7Mike7 Member Posts: 1,107 ■■■■□□□□□□
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    SeabSeab Member Posts: 127
    I would like to take the exam mid or end of March so starting to read in April is a bit of a stretch, but for others, yes, it's a good point.
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    pleiadenpleiaden Member Posts: 18 ■■■□□□□□□□
    You also want to download the CSA pdf.
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    SeabSeab Member Posts: 127
    Thanks pleiaden, I think I will start with the CSA guide actually. Not sure if that really makes sense, but hopefully it will. :)
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