

rbcarletonrbcarleton Member Posts: 13 ■■■□□□□□□□
I'm working in a federal role right now and the CISSP:ISSEP looks like a good way to get deeper into the governance that I'm likely to meet in my role. It also looks like a way to bump my IASAE to a level III. I was curious if anyone would be willing to remark on the status of this certification?

I noticed that the CBK on Amazon is first edition, 2005. I couldn't find the CISSP:ISSEP CBK on the ISC2 web site. Is there a new edition in the works that's not published yet? Is there something else going on?

I don't mind using the old edition, as long as there is some kind of guidance on what's changed since 2005. I'm working through a online course that was put together in 2012. I can probably pull some of the updates from there. Any suggestions would be helpful.




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    jeromed1906jeromed1906 Member Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Does anyone know if ISC2 will come out with a new official study guide to the ISSEP anytime soon? There last study guide was dated 2005. I wanted some updated study guides before I register for the test.
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    rbcarletonrbcarleton Member Posts: 13 ■■■□□□□□□□
    If you have the status, There's some training on FedVTE for CISSP:ISSEP from 2012.
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    mog27mog27 Member Posts: 302
    I have not heard of a new CBK. The current CBK is old and outdated (still has DITSCAP). For this exam you need to be very familiar with NIST pubs, RMF, IATF (mainly chapter 3), etc. The CBK is not very useful for this exam.
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    wacky5wacky5 Member Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□
    On 3/16 I was contacted by ISC2 about the ISSEP training materials/seminars because I requested it on the website. I was told that there is no new curriculum and the seminars were on hold as they were revamping the study materials. I'm pretty sure they still don't have anything. There are some pretty good reviews on the forums that will help you find the materials to study for the exam. My main resource was a post by jonnyg.
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    mbarrettmbarrett Member Posts: 397 ■■■□□□□□□□
    wacky5 wrote: »
    On 3/16 I was contacted by ISC2 about the ISSEP training materials/seminars because I requested it on the website. I was told that there is no new curriculum and the seminars were on hold as they were revamping the study materials. I'm pretty sure they still don't have anything. There are some pretty good reviews on the forums that will help you find the materials to study for the exam. My main resource was a post by jonnyg.

    It sounds like there might be something in the works, but it doesn't sound like there's an ETA for new material. They are running an online seminar in June, and there's a live Bootcamp around the same timeframe. (I was trying to figure out if there's a way to use my GI Bill benefits to pay for the classes. No such luck unless you go to Training Camp classes in Pennsylvania, or if you are in service-connected vocational rehab.)
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    cisco4lifecisco4life Member Posts: 27 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I've heard they were working on an update for the ISSEP for years now, so who knows when it will actually come out. I believe the best you can do is get their latest exam objectives and learn all the latests pubs and processes like mog27 mentioned above.
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    larchinallarchinal Registered Users Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I reached out to ISC2 through their info@isc2.org. This was their reply regarding the new publications:

    "I’ve heard that the newest CISSP-ISSEP guide was coming out soon since 2014 so I don’t like to say when it will be available until it actually shows up on our website. Having said that, the attached exam outline is the updated one (March 201icon_cool.gif and page 9 has a link for supplemental references which are the best until we have the new guide later this year."
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