
Diablo 2 help?

brad-brad- Member Posts: 1,218
I used to play D2 way back when it was THE game. After I got out of the army though, I quit playing...then a couple of years ago threw the discs away after cleaning out the desk, thinking, "HAH, i'll never want to play that again".

However, I just went and re-bought it and as you know...times are tough for noob chars. I wont have a problem leveling, I still remember that because it was down to a science. My father and I used to play and we had all the highest level gear for all the classes, and it all gone now.

What I need help with is figuring out what the strongest barb skillsets are, and i also need some gear. Would any of you be so kind as to donate some gear to the cause? I'll private message my email and ingame name with the times I can be on.


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    TalicTalic Member Posts: 423
    Is this on battle.net? All my characters are probably deleted after not being used anymore. So much for a free service icon_rolleyes.gif

    As for barb skills, I remember it being tough until you get whirlwind, after you get that you want to make sure you get mana leeching gear and start bumping up your health/mana shouts for more mana. After that, you put skill points back into whirlwind for more damage and keep bumping everything else up. I also remember that you should max out your weapon mastery skill asap, by the time you're 30 you should have it capped.

    As for weapons, the ones with the best reach are polearms and pikes which make them the best whirlwinding weapons because they can hit more enemies due to the larger radius. Swords and axes are popular because of the fast swing speed and dual wielding option, but they lack the the range of poles and pikes.

    The new patches should be fun now, they had new unique hell mode items, which are welcomed. But I probably would wait for Diablo 3 though.
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    scheistermeisterscheistermeister Member Posts: 748 ■□□□□□□□□□
    You know, I have never played D2 in English... I was a huge fan of the first one and couldn't wait for the second, but it didn't come out until after I had left for Germany to be an exchange student. So once I could speak, read and understand German I bought it over there.

    One funny thing was that when I got back I told a friend I bought it and they were super excited and asked to borrow it. So I let them without telling them it was in German. It was a funny when I saw them next because they were pissed they couldn't play it and understand. Still have it with a few other games in German too.
    Give a man fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
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    JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,053 Admin
    Whirlwind barb with tremor, grim, and leap attack was what I remember using most. There are lots of sites with opinions on the best D2 barb builds.
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    brad-brad- Member Posts: 1,218
    Talic wrote:
    Is this on battle.net?
    Sorry ya. US East, non-ladder.
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    qinoqino Member Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
    bo barb is the pop build because can lv up really easy

    but if u want build nice Whirlwind Bard

    i think the best way is


    they can power lving to lv90 in only 48 hours

    i always order their service when i want to build new chars

    why always waste time to lv up by yourself

    Time is money Right?
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