want to get ccnp certified

StriderJamesStriderJames Member Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
do you think it would be possable for me to earn my CCNP? i am still in middle school (8th grade) but i want to get as many certifications as i can before i turn 16 so that i can get a job working on computers in high school. i already have my A+, Network+, Linux+, Inet+, Security+, and just earned my CCNA 2 weeks ago. Also, how hard is the CCIE? If i was to get the CCIE before i finish high school, would i be able to make a lot of money?


  • SlowhandSlowhand Mod Posts: 5,161 Mod
    Man, sounds like you're getting on the horse early on. The CCNP exams are going to be far more difficult than the CCNA, (not to mention the CompTIA exams). What is your experience, so far, do you have the chance to mess with the real equipment, use simulators, etc? You're going to need hands-on practice if you want to pass the CCNP, and definitely if you ever hope to knock out the big, bad CCIE lab exam. Do I think it's possible for someone as young as you to earn the CCNP? Of course I do, but you'll have to work that much harder.

    To give you an idea of the kind of reading, alone, you have to do, take a look at the following: These are the study-guides for the CCNP exams. And these are the recommended books to read for preparing for the CCIE Routing & Switching track. (That doesn't include the hundreds of hours you need to practice using the recommended epuipment, or something comparable.)

    I'd love to give you some more advice, but without better information about your background, it's kind of hard. What are you using for study-material (what books, courses, etc.), how did you get into using Cisco equipment, are you able to do any kind of work for your school or something like that, to give you some extra practice? With a clearer picture of what you're doing, what you're capable of doing, and how you're studying, we might just be able to turn you into a networking-prodigy well before you head off to college. :D

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  • wat08wat08 Member Posts: 128
    If you're currently enrolled in high school and have not already obtained your CCIE designation I would suggest abandoning the computer networking field entirely as you surely have no hope of attracting prospective employers with your rather lackluster credentials.

    In regards to the CCIE difficulty query, it is a 7 out of 10. No more, no less.
  • romainromain Member Posts: 222

    First matter for an IT professional is EXPERIENCE.
    None of your certs will learn you more than the tenth that the field will.

    The CCNP goal is attainable, it's just some paper... (I don't want to start the same penultimate debate about ****...).

    You're 15, enjoy your life. You have better to do than cramming for certification tests.
    CCIE R&S Candidate

    Dynamips Labs
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    do you think it would be possable for me to earn my CCNP?

    Absolutely. Just remember that the CCNA is only the tip of the iceberg and that, along with the other ones you've done, aren't even comparable in terms of depth and difficultly. Just don't get discouraged and keep plugging away. What seems difficult one day will seem plain as day in a week or two.
    i am still in middle school (8th grade) but i want to get as many certifications as i can before i turn 16 so that i can get a job working on computers in high school.

    That's a great goal. I wish I had started as young as you.
    i already have my A+, Network+, Linux+, Inet+, Security+, and just earned my CCNA 2 weeks ago.

    You're off to a phenomenal start. Keep it up! Don't plan on stopping after you turn 16 and/or get your NP or IE ;)
    Also, how hard is the CCIE?

    You might want to read through what Turgon's been putting into his studies to get a good idea of how much work it is: http://techexams.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=23875 I think they recommend having something like 5 years of experience and putting anywhere from 500-1000 hours into studying for it.
    If i was to get the CCIE before i finish high school, would i be able to make a lot of money?

    For your age, most likely. I don't think you should expect to get one of those high CCIE average salaries you see from salary surveys right off the bat though. You will be extremely inexperienced compared to other CCIEs both in terms of technical skills and soft (people) skills.
  • Daniel333Daniel333 Member Posts: 2,077 ■■■■■■□□□□
    First off, good job!
    do you think it would be possable for me to earn my CCNP?
    Anything is possible.
    i want to get as many certifications as i can before i turn 16
    Quality before quantity my friend.
    so that i can get a job working on computers in high school.
    You have more than enough certifications for that. More importantly, have you developed the social network to get you the job? How about the selling skills needed at the interview? Don't forget the softskills, they are half of everything in life.

    Learn a second language, get a few girlfriends, martial arts, joining a debate team and volunteering at a library/old folks home with your IT skills will do you more good now than a CCNP would.
    i already have my A+, Network+, Linux+, Inet+, Security+, and just earned my CCNA 2 weeks ago.
    You've already run circles around me. But do you have the LAB time to really back this up? I would continue your studies at this level, and not progress too much farther.
    Microsoft office specialization (I am serious, know your Macros inside and out!)
    MCITP: Enterprise support technician
    CCNA: Wireless
    CCNA: Voice
    CCNA: Security

    That should keep you busy through college.
    Also, how hard is the CCIE?
    Very hard, probably won't be able to earn any of these until you have been in the field for a couple of years. Most who try, fail.
    If i was to get the CCIE before i finish high school, would i be able to make a lot of money?
    No, you would over certified for the jobs you would be seeking, and under experience for the jobs you would be certified for. Stick to certs that complement your level of experience.

    Without experience, certifications mean jack. And quite frankly, earning too many too quickly makes it look like you cheated. Line your certs up with your experience. Challenge yourself in the LAB beyond what the book requires, if you need to know X, know X+1. Mix your knowledge up and create complications. The labs in the books are not enough to prepare you for the real world.

    The problems you will actually face, are not found in the books.
  • SlowhandSlowhand Mod Posts: 5,161 Mod
    There's one thing I really forgot to mention, but I can't stress it enough. Even if you do obtain your CCIE, don't neglect your general education. Go to college, period. Even if you don't go all the way to the expert-level, having all those certs, in addition to the CCNP, will give you a serious edge in the working-world. However, without a college degree and/or experience, you'll have a hard time being taken seriously.

    As dynamik said, you won't be able to make those $100,000K+ jobs right out of high school, even with the CCIE. What I would recommend is, as you continue studying, start working while you're in high school to get something to put on a resume and on your college applications. When you go on to college, you can work part-time as a network engineer while you study. (Beats the hell out of flipping burgers or asking "would you like that in tall, grande, or venti?" while you're in college.) With an education, some experience, and a degree, there'll be no limits to what you can do when you go out to find work and build your career. Some of us here on this board might find ourselves calling you "sir" before we know it. icon_lol.gif

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  • StriderJamesStriderJames Member Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Wow, thank you for the responses. I think I changed my mind though. I don't want to become a Cisco network engineer. I think I will work toward getting on American Idol so I can be the next Taylor Hicks. Thanks anyways, guys.
  • nelnel Member Posts: 2,859 ■□□□□□□□□□
    You've made a great start kid, well done.

    But imo, enjoy your youth while you can because things change very quickly my friend as you'll find out. I would do what others have said and continue your general education for a degree etc. Your degree will expose you to different types of subjects. you never know you might love programming and want to go into that but what if you do your ccnp etc now and you've wasted all those hours on it?

    What im trying to say is put your finger in a few different pies to see what it tastes like then choose which one you want to specialise in for your career.

    Also dont expect to land a super job straight away - you'll start near the bottom like the rest of us and will have to work your way up.

    Keep up the good work though I really admire your determination. but remember to enjoy life man!
    Xbox Live: Bring It On

    Bsc (hons) Network Computing - 1st Class
    WIP: Msc advanced networking
  • nelnel Member Posts: 2,859 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Wow, thank you for the responses. I think I changed my mind though. I don't want to become a Cisco network engineer. I think I will work toward getting on American Idol so I can be the next Taylor Hicks. Thanks anyways, guys.

    Seriously icon_scratch.gif
    Xbox Live: Bring It On

    Bsc (hons) Network Computing - 1st Class
    WIP: Msc advanced networking
  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    nel wrote:
    Wow, thank you for the responses. I think I changed my mind though. I don't want to become a Cisco network engineer. I think I will work toward getting on American Idol so I can be the next Taylor Hicks. Thanks anyways, guys.

    Seriously icon_scratch.gif

    ROFL your kidding us right? when you get on American Idol post your pix here cool...
  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    In the other hand I am also thinking of auditioning for American Idol, I am thinking of dropping IT once and for all after some of the people here jumped me lol...
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    Wow, thank you for the responses. I think I changed my mind though. I don't want to become a Cisco network engineer. I think I will work toward getting on American Idol so I can be the next Taylor Hicks. Thanks anyways, guys.

    That literally made me laugh out loud. I can't tell if this whole thread was a joke from the beginning or not, but that was funny.
  • lildeezullildeezul Member Posts: 404
    dynamik wrote:
    Wow, thank you for the responses. I think I changed my mind though. I don't want to become a Cisco network engineer. I think I will work toward getting on American Idol so I can be the next Taylor Hicks. Thanks anyways, guys.

    That literally made me laugh out loud. I can't tell if this whole thread was a joke from the beginning or not, but that was funny.

    What the heck.. haha is this guy serious.

    lol. That was the most funniest thing i heard today.

    do you really have all those certs, or are u jerking my chain ?
    neways that was funny
    NHSCA National All-American Wrestler 135lb
  • Mrock4Mrock4 Banned Posts: 2,359 ■■■■■■■■□□
    All I gotta say is he better do one or the other now..CCIE or American Idol..
  • mikej412mikej412 Member Posts: 10,086 ■■■■■■■■■■
    At your age, I'd probably focus on the American Idol thing. The ladies aren't going to be impressed by the CCNP (or even the CCIE) until your (and their) twenties -- at least.
    :mike: Cisco Certifications -- Collect the Entire Set!
  • _maurice_maurice Member Posts: 142
    um, girls dig cisco certs? don't kid yourself. they dig microsoft certs. lol
  • Mrock4Mrock4 Banned Posts: 2,359 ■■■■■■■■□□
    _maurice wrote:
    um, girls dig cisco certs? don't kid yourself. they dig microsoft certs. lol

    You wanna fight? ;) ..haha...

    I won't lie..around my workplace, they actually do kind of dig the cert thing...can you say "gold digger?!"
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    _maurice wrote:
    um, girls dig cisco certs? don't kid yourself. they dig microsoft certs. lol

    I'm working on both, just to be safe ;)
  • SlowhandSlowhand Mod Posts: 5,161 Mod
    dynamik wrote:
    _maurice wrote:
    um, girls dig cisco certs? don't kid yourself. they dig microsoft certs. lol

    I'm working on both, just to be safe ;)
    So what do Linux-certs get you? (I'm running away before someone whips out the inflatable sheep.)

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  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    Slowhand wrote:
    So what do Linux-certs get you? (I'm running away before someone whips out the inflatable sheep.)

    I really don't want to talk about it, but I'm getting a few shots, and the doctors think everything will be alright in the end icon_eek.gif
  • SlowhandSlowhand Mod Posts: 5,161 Mod
    dynamik wrote:
    I really don't want to talk about it, but I'm getting a few shots, and the doctors think everything will be alright in the end icon_eek.gif
    So, basically, Linux certs are like prison: you don't talk about it afterwards.

    That would explain a lot about those blackouts I had after I took Linux+. . .

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  • JohnDouglasJohnDouglas Member Posts: 186
    I'm regularly amazed at how many certs people in the US have by the age of 18. i'm not aware of anything like that happening in the uk. although perhaps things have changed in teh 15 years since i left school.

    anyway. keep up the good studies. there's no way someone's going to employ you as a ccie top salary till your in your mid-twenties i'd have htough. by then you'll have the experience of persuading people to work and the project management skills. great idea getting the cert early though before you become bogged down with family life and/or social life. i'd ahve thought you should get yourself in a small company that will treat you well and give you lots of exposure to customers developing solutions for them.

    good luck
  • redwarriorredwarrior Member Posts: 285
    Cisco certs are way sexier than MS certs...just ask my husband. icon_wink.gif

    CCNP Progress


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  • ccnpninjaccnpninja Member Posts: 1,010 ■■■□□□□□□□
    um, girls dig cisco certs? don't kid yourself. they dig microsoft certs. lol
    actually, girls dig pockets.
  • darkerosxxdarkerosxx Banned Posts: 1,343
    Nobody really thought that was a serious first post, right? 8th grade? Come on. icon_rolleyes.gif
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    I believe the youngest MCSE is 12. Things like this certainly aren't common, but they're not impossible either.
  • ITdudeITdude Member Posts: 1,181 ■■■□□□□□□□
    ccnpninja wrote:
    um, girls dig cisco certs? don't kid yourself. they dig microsoft certs. lol
    actually, girls dig pockets.

    Is that pockets or packets? :)icon_wink.gif
    I usually hang out on (FF02::A) and (FF02::5) when I'm in a non-proprietary mood.

    Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
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  • mikej412mikej412 Member Posts: 10,086 ■■■■■■■■■■
    darkerosxx wrote:
    Nobody really thought that was a serious first post, right? 8th grade?
    I just figured he finished studying about the Great Depression in his American History Class.... if he can get a gig working for his school it would beat the heck out of selling apples for a nickle on the street corner to help support his family. But the American Idol thing would have a bigger payday if it works out. I'm thinking about laying in some seed stock to farm the south 4...
    :mike: Cisco Certifications -- Collect the Entire Set!
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