moving stuff to Canada

AldurAldur Member Posts: 1,460
So in the process of packing things up I got to thinking that there maybe some stuff I can't take.

Are canned goods and other food ok to take?

Would it be ok to take my samuri sword? It's a real hand made samuri sword which was given to me so I would like to take it :D
"Bribe is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool."



  • GT-RobGT-Rob Member Posts: 1,090
    The sword shouldn't be a problem, but food might. No meat (especially beef) for sure. Canned goods probably wouldn't be an issue. Fruit and vegetables can cause problems though. Also any pets you are bringing you may need to get a note from a vet.

    What border are you crossing at?
  • skrpuneskrpune Member Posts: 1,409
    Basically, when it comes to food, anything perishable that could be bringing pests along with it is a no-no. If it's fruit or veggies or meat, definitely leave it behind. But canned goods & dried goods & spices are ok - I shipped those across the border with no problem both ways, and I'm pretty sure I had them listed in my inventory of belongings.

    The sword would be better shipped than brought with you as you physically cross the border. You will have to probably check with the border folks as to whether you need to officially declare it as a weapon...I only remember them asking about firearms, but I have no guns nor swords so I didn't really think too much about it! icon_lol.gif

    In theory, you have to have full documentation on any pets you bring along. But in practice, they really don't care, or at least Ontario didn't give a flying rats patooty. They just said to leave the pup in the car as we came inside to fill out our paperwork. I had his FULL medical history, a vaccination certificate, his adoption papers, the works. But they didn't look at any of it. I think the fact that I offered it was enough. Same on the return trip to the US.
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  • nelnel Member Posts: 2,859 ■□□□□□□□□□

    You've gotta post some bad ass pics of this sword intrigued :D
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  • AldurAldur Member Posts: 1,460
    Thanks GT-Rob and skrpune for the advice. I'll make sure no meat, fruits, or any perishables are shipped, I'll make sure I ship the sword too, would be awkward to try to explain at the border why I had a samurai sword :D

    Also, I'll be crossing in Montana where I-15 dives into Canada, I'm sure the port has a name but I'm not sure what it is.

    lol, nel, I'll get some pics of the sword and post them for ya.
    "Bribe is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool."

  • GT-RobGT-Rob Member Posts: 1,090
    Ya I know the port, can't remember the town name (its a typical montana name though). You will pass right through Calgary, so try not to hit it at rush hour (3-5pm), but other than that it is smooth and open roads through Alberta to Edmonton.

    We will have to get together for a lunch or something before I leave. Maybe you can show me how to put one of these silly olive machines together :P
  • AldurAldur Member Posts: 1,460
    Thanks for the advice, I'll try to avoid Calargy around rush hour, nothing would be more fun then to drive 12 hrs and then sit in rush hour traffic for 2 hours in Calargy :D

    Right on, would be sweet to have lunch, I'll shoot you a pm about it.
    "Bribe is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool."

  • zoidbergzoidberg Member Posts: 365 ■■■■□□□□□□
    rush hour isn't quite that bad here. deerfoot, the hiway thru the city, does get a little bogged down though. worst case, stop by, have a beer. err, well, maybe not if you're driving i guess :P

    i believe you guys are thinking of the sweetgrass/coutts points of entry.
  • GT-RobGT-Rob Member Posts: 1,090
    sweetgrass is the name! Last time I hit that was around 6pm on a weekday, and I was stuck there for at least 2hours. It wasn't even busy they were just taking their sweet time.

    Deerfoot (highway 2) is otherwise fast, but it can be a death trap when its busy. Theres no light or anything but a lot of people are on it.
  • AldurAldur Member Posts: 1,460
    zoidberg wrote: »
    ...worst case, stop by, have a beer. err, well, maybe not if you're driving i guess :P

    That it least would make the remainder of the trip exciting, exciting as my wife is calling my cell from her jeep as she watches me swerve all over the road :D
    "Bribe is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool."

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