Glory Glory ........

After 12 years in IT battling beasts, dragons, monsters, and giant bugs today I passed my 70-297 with an 863 and became an MCSE !
mikej412 Member Posts: 10,086 ■■■■■■■■■■
So what do you plan for your next 12 years?:mike: Cisco Certifications -- Collect the Entire Set! -
pennystrader Member Posts: 155
Good work of getting the MCSE before the end of the year! That is something to be proud of and I hope your job or one in the future will recognize it and it will help you in your quest on this IT journey.
The more knowledge one obtains the more there is too accumulate..... -
Lamini Member Posts: 242 ■■■□□□□□□□
kudos! to you as thats no easy task. may you reap your rewards for obtaining MCSE, sooner than later hopefully.CompTIA: A+ / NET+ / SEC+
Microsoft: MCSA 2003