Ultimate MCSA Study Guide

I put this together this morning. All my own work is public domain, so feel free do whatever you want with this as long as it's permitted by the copypasta'd resources' licenses.
- A4 version (I prefer this version for viewing on a computer)
- US Letter version (necessary for printing in the US)
Lamini Member Posts: 242 ■■■□□□□□□□
just wanted to say thanks for sharing your guideCompTIA: A+ / NET+ / SEC+
Microsoft: MCSA 2003 -
buu700 Member Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□
No problem, I just sorta did it for fun. If you're interested, here's the full context of me making this guide.
Also, looking at your cert list, you could really just test for 271 and 272 and easily get your MCSA tomorrow without any further studying if you wanted to. Honestly, they're just subsets of 270 with very little material you haven't already been tested on. -
ahzeems Member Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
ive just recently joined tech exam and im studying for my 70-270, wanted to say the guild looks great, cant wait to use it. thanks