
Anyone heard of Auditor Security Collection

taterhawk2380taterhawk2380 Member Posts: 18 ■□□□□□□□□□
its a bootable distro w/ various security tools like port scanners, kismet for wireless, etc....

the question is how do you get accustomed to using these tools, which are, for the most part, linux based tools w/o too much experience.

i recently set up a wireless home network and would like to test out the security i've set in place, but most of these tools are simply foreign to me

is there a good primer on linux commands or a site that explains how to use these tools?

thanks folks,



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    Chivalry1Chivalry1 Member Posts: 569
    This is a securty/auditor version of linux. Very powerfull. It comes with a valuable set of security preinstalled software that runs from a live-cd. This can be very valuable for individuals performing network security. I love it.

    Note: There have been some problems with different drivers. But they are updating constantly. Good post.

    "The recipe for perpetual ignorance is: be satisfied with your opinions and
    content with your knowledge. " Elbert Hubbard (1856 - 1915)
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    xeviousxevious Member Posts: 59 ■■□□□□□□□□
    You should also have a look at Knoppix's STD: security tools distro.


    Same deal, bootable linux CD. No need to reformat your current OS.
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    EverythingPCownerEverythingPCowner Member Posts: 57 ■■□□□□□□□□
    My pen-testing laptop has a custom combination of Whoppix,knoppix-std,and Auditor installed on the hdd........it does the job
    Alabama or Bust!
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    /usr/usr Member Posts: 1,768
    Knoppix-STD was the one I was going to suggest. I don't use it myself, because it doesn't have native support for my wireless card, I don't have the extra $$$ to buy one that IS supported, and I don't want to take the time to tweak the distro.

    I use Slackware, which suits me just fine. Although it's a pain to get Kismet to work.
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    cedarghostcedarghost Member Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□
    This URL should help. www.tomsnetworking.com/Sections-article120.php Unfortunately, to use many of the tools included with auditor, you will have to be at least a little comfortable in the Linux command line environment. I teach Linux in college and I also teach Network Security, and I use Auditor for my security labs. It is an excellent tool. If you like it, another bootable security distribution is WHAX. A good distro for forensics is Helix, and it includes a Winblows version as well. Hope this helps. Knoppix STD is also very good as posted above.
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    JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,045 Admin
    Auditor Security Linux (Knoppix): http://new.remote-exploit.org/index.php/Auditor_main

    WHAX (formerly Whoppix): http://www.iwhax.net/modules/news/

    security tools distribution (Knoppix): http://www.knoppix-std.org/

    Helix (Knoppix): http://www.e-fense.com/helix/index.php

    All of these work fine when run in Microsoft Virtual PC 2003. I'm guessing they run in VMWare 5 as well.

    If you can't download any of them from their home page or mirrors, try at http://distrowatch.com/.
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