
Network+ Study Materials?

Hammer80Hammer80 Member Posts: 207 ■■■□□□□□□□
Ok so I am going for my Network+, I know for each certification there is usually one or two writers that everybody swears by. I was looking at Michael Meyers and he looks to be the popular one for this particular cert. Here is my questions.

1. Michael Meyers All in One Network+ or Michael Meyers Passport Network+ and what is the difference?
2. Any other suggestions book wise?
3. From reading the reviews on amazon on some of Meyers books i noticed that some people are complaining that the kindle edition does not work on the Kindle Cloud Reader and Kindle app on Iphone or Ipad but only on an actual kindle, does anybody have any input on that?
4. How much of a pain in the ass is Adobe Digital Editions free eBook download that is included with the Hardcover? Can I read it on the Ipad?
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