9 days to go

billyr2009billyr2009 Member Posts: 120
Hi All,

I have 9 days until my exam. I will order the GISP exam to see my weak areas. I plan to take this on Saturday. My test is on Thursday of next week. I hope I am ready for this exam. I plan to take as many practice questions as I can leading up to the exam and read the 11th hour and sunflower pdf. Any other insights folks?


  • sojournsojourn Member Posts: 61 ■■□□□□□□□□
    There are mistakes & omissions in the Sunflower pdf.

    Use the McGraw Hill questions rather than CCCure.
  • billyr2009billyr2009 Member Posts: 120
    Thank you for the reply. On the McGraw Hill questions, what should I be aiming to score percentage wise to feel exam ready?
  • jvrlopezjvrlopez Member Posts: 913 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I aimed for 70-80% on the McGraw Hill questions. Some people say they don't mirror the actual questions that close, but I thought they did a good job of helping teach the material.

    In your last 9 days, I would recommend going over the domains a study session at a time and do a comprehensive review prior to the test. Make sure you sit down for a 250 question test timed at 6 hours so you can see how you manage the time.

    Practice what you plan on writing down on your dry erase board during the test so you don't blank out when it comes to that. I did the encryption protocols (sym, asym, hashing), code of ethics (PAPA), and my AV/EF/SLE/ALE/ARO formulas.
    And so you touch this limit, something happens and you suddenly can go a little bit further. With your mind power, your determination, your instinct, and the experience as well, you can fly very high. ~Ayrton Senna
  • GeneCGeneC Member Posts: 51 ■■□□□□□□□□
    +1 on dropping the cccure questions if you have been using them up until this point. Use McGraw Hill for the final stretch. If you own the Shon Harris book Total Testers is also an option. Either one of these plus the 11th hour you mention you have already plenty for 9 days remaining. Dont get caught up in taking as many practice questions as possible. Grasp the material being read.

    Do not get caught up in the scores, but use the GISP as what you need to review prior to Thursday mornring.

    I think the GISP is great, 5 hours to complete. It will simulate and outline your weak areas.

    Wednesday night relax and free your mind, good rest and good breakfast!

    Prep is key!
  • LionelTeoLionelTeo Member Posts: 526 ■■■■■■■□□□
    GISP will really stimulate your brain to the maximum. Just to let you know to order the GISP before hand as they will require sometime to be able to give you the practice. Also good to take it a little more early like 7 days before so you can read up on your weak areas. Leave the last day resting. You will definitely some rest after GISP.

    Also for the CBT version of the exam, you could accidentally uncheck answer without knowing, do review all the question one last time before ending the exam.
  • keremoztkeremozt Member Posts: 8 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I think Shon Harris' software really covered everything very nicely along with the end of chapter questions of course. I would make sure doing those tests before passing to anything else.

    One last thing, trust in yourself if you really believe that you know the essentials. Getting 65% or 75% in any test does not really mean much... I mean you don't have to score 90% in cccure to be sure that you are ready to pass.

    Good luck!
  • HumbeHumbe Member Posts: 202
    Make sure you get some good rest the night before so you can go fresh to the exam. Some people take the full 6 hours to complete the exam and it could be quite painful.

    Good luck.
  • billyr2009billyr2009 Member Posts: 120
    Ouch! I am not doing too hot on these practice tests. Access Control was 86% but others like Security Architecture I did a 56% and Legal I'm in the 60s. With 8 days to go, I;m not feeling too hot about this exam. =/ Did everyone who passed aim for 70-80% and achieved it on these exams? I did order my GISP practice exam and plan to take it Friday or Saturday. I'm seriously looking at rescheduling as a viable option.
  • tufexamstufexams Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
    billyr2009, trust me that practice tests doesn't tell you your outcome of the test. A friend of mine recently took it and was getting 60's on the practice exams. Came out of the test in 3 hours and nailed it.
  • sojournsojourn Member Posts: 61 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I found legal difficult too. I concentrated on the types of evidence and how to handle it safely, chain of custody etc, rather than the types and systems of law, which I found easier to understand and retain. That was how I hedged my bets as such, with the legal domain.
  • billyr2009billyr2009 Member Posts: 120
    Here is my update for the night. I read/skimmed over the topics I felt were most important of Shon Harris book on the legal domain and scored 87 percent on her quiz from MH Professional. So odd when a few days back I pulled a 56% I guess the review helped just hope itll stick in my head on exam day. Security Architecture, I did quiz 2 also and scored a 76%. I know I shouldnt put so much weight on these practice tests but I cant helpit. I failed this exam once with a 688 and if I fail again I cant retake for 3 months. Also, I read the first chapter of Access control in the 11th hour. AC I feel is one of my stronger domains. Thanks again everyone for your updates. I hope to post again every day up until exam day.
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