Printer question......

Another from my recent exam, what command do you run to show a printers configuration in a command prompt ?
I've setup a shared printer in my lab and can't re-create what I saw using powershell so it must be some other command.
That wasn't the actual exam question by the way but there was a screenshot showing a start time (or start interval) and I think end time which I guess is the hours when the device is available though I'm sure it was set as start at 1000 and end 60 so would that mean it was only available between 10-11am ?
I've setup a shared printer in my lab and can't re-create what I saw using powershell so it must be some other command.
That wasn't the actual exam question by the way but there was a screenshot showing a start time (or start interval) and I think end time which I guess is the hours when the device is available though I'm sure it was set as start at 1000 and end 60 so would that mean it was only available between 10-11am ?
pandiculator Member Posts: 44 ■■■□□□□□□□
With PowerShell you could get that information with Get-WmiObject Win32_Printer
However, another way to get/set printer information using the command prompt is with prncnfg.vbs -
pjd007 Member Posts: 277 ■■■□□□□□□□
pandiculator wrote: »With PowerShell you could get that information with Get-WmiObject Win32_Printer
However, another way to get/set printer information using the command prompt is with prncnfg.vbs
Running this command looks similar to what was show in the exam though I'm sure the Until Time was called something else also it had a value of 60 whereas when I run this in my lab it clearly shows the end time as you'd expect to see it ie. 17h00.
I wish I could remember the exact value that was in the screenshot of the question but I'm not going to worry about this too much as it's only one question.
Ah ok I just found this document where print interval is talked about when using XP, I don't have access to an XP machine but I'm thnking that the end value of 60 which I saw in the exam must mean 1hr.