3 Weeks To Go

GeneCGeneC Member Posts: 51 ■■□□□□□□□□

Well with 3 weeks left until exam day this week took a hit to studying. A firewall migration plus the toughest domain I have come across so far "Software Development Security" its been a tough week.

I had great momenteum and confidence but a small setback. I suppose a little worried since you book the exam date 4 months away and now its around the corner. Next week my supervisor has given me the entire week off for training using a corporate CBT nugget account. This leads me to two weeks vacation and exam on the 27th.

I have finished the Eric Conrard book and Daryil Gibson is in for the final 3 weeks. Right now I am stressing on taking practice tests and refering to the book or actually read the book (Daryil Gibson) cover to cover, domain by domain.

Essentially my plan after CBT nuggets is to take 3 full practice exams (total testers, GISP, and Eric Conrad) scattered through the 2 weeks and in between each full practise read my weak domains and use McGrawHill, hopefully by the time I get to my final full practice exam I have good scores and confidence is back.

Final 2 days 11th hour.



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