Change of career - Work from home

tycoonbobtycoonbob Member Posts: 81 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hi everyone. I'm looking to make a life change and move back home to eastern KY. As I'm sure you can imagine, there are not many tech jobs around there so I am looking to make a change to an IT path that generally allows for telecommuting. In other words, WebDev and/or DevOps.

I like to consider myself a seasoned IT professional, with about 6 years under my belt. I have 3 MCSE's, 3 MCSA's, 2 MCITP's, a couple MCP's, 2 CCA's, and am currently working toward my certification with Splunk. I make around $80,000/yr in Louisville, KY where cost of living is pretty reasonable. I make a good amount of money for this area. I'm looking to make a career change to something that will accommodate for WFH/telecommute, but I'm trying to figure out what it is I want to do. Over the past year I've really taken up with Linux (CentOS/RHEL) and OSS, and have started to do some Web Development with PHP and MariaDB. I have a wealth of experience on the operations side of things, and can build a highly available cloud infrastructure with a high performance web server ready to host the code, but am not able to build much code to run it from. I feel like my Ops experience would make me a good candidate for a DevOps role, but I have not been successful in getting into DevOps. I have a good start on PHP, but need to grow that, and I also have an interest in learning python.

I'm really looking for advice on what might be a good path for me to learn DevOps/WebDev, or if anyone is aware of an entry-level position that would allow for telecommute. I'm will to take a substantial pay cut (down to $55,000/yr) to make this transition, because I feel I can be up to six figures in just a couple of years. Should Python be something I focus on learning right now? Is another language a better start, such as expanding on my PHP skills? I know most employers want to see past code, and I have no idea what kind of projects I should do for that purpose. I've always been so certain of my IT path, until about 6 months ago when I decided I want to move (which I can't until I find a telecommute position).


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