Has anyone seen the new Score Report?
Curious to know if anyone here has seen the new score report. I am curious to know how they like it. I am taking a short break from certs for a while but interested if they are more helpful than the old ones. The old reports did not do me much good when I failed. I learned about them through this video. (yes its kind of silly but I subscribe to their channel because I have found good information in the past)
ACE Chronicles - New MCP Score Report - YouTube
ACE Chronicles - New MCP Score Report - YouTube
netsysllc Member Posts: 479 ■■■■□□□□□□
The ones I took in April and May were different than previous reports. A failed report gives you the top 3 areas to focus your study on and the graph on a fail or pass is formatted differently along with some format updates. No major changes. -
j4g3rb0mb3d Member Posts: 13 ■□□□□□□□□□
Took the 680 today, and its different to when I took the 681 a month ago. It has all of the highlights in the above video, except the score comparison to other candidates wasn't there. It also adds a little more legal jargon to the 2nd page. Also, the color theme on the actual test changed from a blue one to a almost completely white one.