Question about 70-417 blueprint (upgrading to MCSA 2012)

Does the 70-417 exam have the same questions as the 3 individual exams?
The MS blueprint (Exam 70-417: Upgrading your skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012) only shows a selection of the topics from the other 3 main exams.
For example - WSUS isn't even mentioned on the 70-417 blueprint, does this mean there'll be no questions on WSUS??
The MS blueprint (Exam 70-417: Upgrading your skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012) only shows a selection of the topics from the other 3 main exams.
For example - WSUS isn't even mentioned on the 70-417 blueprint, does this mean there'll be no questions on WSUS??
pandiculator Member Posts: 44 ■■■□□□□□□□
Hi RKDus,
Here's what the Exam Ref 70-417 book by J.C. Mackin says:On the 70-417 exam, only 14 of the original 18 domains and 22 of the original 62 objectives have been adopted from these three source exams [70-410, 70-411,70-412]. This smaller subset of material corresponds generally to the new features in Windows Server 2012. Approximately 75 percent of the questions on the 70-417 will assess your knowledge of new Windows Server 2012 features in some way. Approximately 25 percent of the questions will be "review" questions about features that have not changed since Windows Server 2008 - questions you could have seen when you earned your existing certification. The questions that comprise this 25 percent can be taken from any of the 62 original objectives on exams 70-410, 70-411, or 70-412.
That means there could well be a question on WSUS as you should know about it from studying for your 2008 MCSA. In fact 70-417 Exam Ref specifically mentions that although WSUS is not officially indicated for the exam you shouldn't be surprised if you see a question on it.