I need help with Linkedin

--chris----chris-- Member Posts: 1,518 ■■■■■□□□□□
I have been trying to put into words what I do at my new job, but the duties are so broad and varied that I end up with a long list. It looks terrible, is probably hard to read and in general does not fit the summary position that I am trying to fill on Linkedin.

My role here has me working on all versions of M$ server from 2003 through 2012(R2) including Exchange and the SBS variants, as well as other JOAT duties (desktop, Voip, network, backups, policy, security, etc...). The job is a blessing, but putting the description into words is a nightmare.

Any ideas here?


  • srabieesrabiee Member Posts: 1,231 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Do you have an updated resume? Copy and paste it into Linkedin, then edit from there.

    If you don't have an up to date resume, you need to get on that ASAP.
    WGU Progress: Master of Science - Information Technology Management (Start Date: February 1, 2015)
    Completed: LYT2, TFT2, JIT2, MCT2, LZT2, SJT2 (17 CU's)
    Required: FXT2, MAT2, MBT2, C391, C392 (13 CU's)

    Bachelor of Science - Information Technology Network Design & Management (WGU - Completed August 2014)
  • Vask3nVask3n Member Posts: 517
    Hey --chris--, do you want to share a snippet of the description so we can get the ball rolling? We can start with what you have and then begin to narrow it down

    Edit: Sorry I assumed you already had one in place and were trying to narrow it down.
    Working on MS-ISA at Western Governor's University
  • PsychoData91PsychoData91 Member Posts: 138 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Try summarizing individual things into bullet points. To do this group similar things together. If you're targeting a specific employer, put things they've listed as qualifications/desires at the top, if not then start with the thing you think would be most appealing to managers
    - Worked with policies and securing the desktop/network infrastructure
    - Performed troubleshooting on user facing devices including VOiP, desktop computers, Remote Desktop Services
    - Performed administrative duties including Backups, user management, bla bla bla
    - Two more lines to include additional points. Now I'm just typing random fill
    - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore
    PS ^ I was able to fit 24 lines like these before LinkedIn complained I exceeded maximum length

    Also, what is your official title? Ask HR if you don't know. I've found a few people are sticklers about that IE. You say you were "Data Management and Technical Support Engineer" - a fair description of my duties, but such and such calls to confirm employment.
    "Oh do you have a John Smith working there as DM & TS Engineer?"
    "Why, NO" says the HR person, "he's just 'Data Management Specialist'" - That doesn't get followed up with, "Oh, but I'm sure he had technical support responsibilities" that goes down as LIED ON RESUME and you get binned.

    aannndd, you UDP joke would be funnier if it said you might not get it (but I got it, don't worry!)
  • --chris----chris-- Member Posts: 1,518 ■■■■■□□□□□
    srabiee wrote: »
    Do you have an updated resume? Copy and paste it into Linkedin, then edit from there.

    If you don't have an up to date resume, you need to get on that ASAP.

    I just landed here 3 weeks ago so I have not bothered to update my resume as I'm still learning many new things I don't feel comfortable putting on a resume...ya know?

    My old resume isn't bad but it's geared towards entry level desktop/help desk work.

    As for my old summary it was also 90% desktop support which doesn't accurately reflect what I do now which is why I didn't bother building off from it.

    I like the verbage in psychodatas post...I'll be borrowing a few of those if u don't mind?

    And as for an official title...well we are a small shop lol. There is no HR. Some guys use the term road tech some just say IT Professional.
  • jvrlopezjvrlopez Member Posts: 913 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I'd prioritize a list of tasks & duties that are the most encompassing and have the most impact.
    And so you touch this limit, something happens and you suddenly can go a little bit further. With your mind power, your determination, your instinct, and the experience as well, you can fly very high. ~Ayrton Senna
  • DoyenDoyen Member Posts: 397 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Maybe you can go to your HR and ask for a copy of your job description. You could use that as a template to work off of.
    Goals for 2016: [] VCP 5.5: ICM (recertifying) , [ ] VMware VCA-NV, [ ] 640-911 DCICN, [ ] 640-916 DCICT, [ ] CCNA: Data Center, [ ] CISSP (Associate), [ ] 300-101 ROUTE, [ ] 300-115 SWITCH, [ ] 300-135 TSHOOT, [ ] CCNP: Route & Switch, [ ] CEHv8, [ ] LX0-103, [ ] LX0-104
    Future Goals: WGU MSISA or Capital Technology Univerisity MSCIS Degree Program
    Click here to connect with me on LinkedIn! Just mention your are from Techexams.net.
  • BradleyHUBradleyHU Member Posts: 918 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I find that with LinkedIn, you dont have to do the short lil buzzwords type bullet points that one would do on a resume. You can go into depth more about your role. Take a look @ some co-workers, pplz you know, or TE members' linkedin pages to get an idea of how to go about it.
    Link Me
    Graduate of the REAL HU & #1 HBCU...HAMPTON UNIVERSITY!!! #shoutout to c/o 2004
    WIP: 70-410(TBD) | ITIL v3 Foundation(TBD)
  • goldenlightgoldenlight Member Posts: 378 ■■□□□□□□□□
    jvrlopez wrote: »
    I'd prioritize a list of tasks & duties that are the most encompassing and have the most impact.

    I like this idea.. icon_cheers.gificon_cheers.gificon_cheers.gif Then you can edit it to sound perfect.
    The Only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it keep looking. Don't settle - Steve Jobs
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