Information Security - Job Posting Goldmine

MSP-ITMSP-IT Member Posts: 752 ■■■□□□□□□□
I've been looking for good resources for IS jobs, but there aren't really very many that are geared towards IS specifically... until now.

I just stumbled upon the /r/netsec subreddit and they have a quarterly job posting thread. The new thread was posted yesterday and already includes more 52 (?) posts for IS jobs; including mostly penetration-testing, vulnerability assessment, and malware analysis type jobs. There are companies represented from small start-ups, bitcoin companies, to Google. It seems as though the poster is also the hiring manager in many cases.

/r/netsec's Q3 2014 Information Security Hiring Thread

I don't think I've seen a job board that aligns so closely to my target career. I couldn't keep it a secret!!


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