Resume Critique

noki42noki42 Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
Been trying to update my resume from a couple years ago and was wondering if you kind people would mind ripping it apart and giving me any comments you think would help.

Here is a bit of my background, in case it would influence how I should word my resume. I was in IT in various forms for a few years after high school. I then ran a part-time business to stay current on troubleshooting and information while I played house dad while my wife was in the Army, but I'm not sure how much detail I should give on that on my resume. Recently I decided I miss it and went back to school to complete two degrees. I plan on testing for my CCNA in a month or so and have my Network Pro test scheduled for next week. Given this, I wouldn't say I'm a beginner to IT, but I am still learning the Cisco level of networking, but I do have alot of SOHO networking experience, and I've always loved anything dealing with computers and I want to get back to doing IT work full time.

So long story short, what advice can you guys and gals give me to make my resume look good? Thanks in advance for all your help, and here's a link to my resume.


  • tkerbertkerber Member Posts: 223
    noki42 wrote: »
    Been trying to update my resume from a couple years ago and was wondering if you kind people would mind ripping it apart and giving me any comments you think would help. Just as a bit of background in case it makes a difference to any comments you have; I was in IT in various forms for a few years after high school. I then ran a part-time business to stay current on troubleshooting and information while I played house dad while my wife was in the Army, but I'm not sure how much detail I should give on that on my resume. Recently I decided I miss it and went back to school to complete two degrees. I plan on testing for my CCNA in a month or so and have my Network Pro test scheduled for next week. Given this, I wouldn't say I'm a beginner to IT, but I am still learning the Cisco level of networking, but I do have alot of SOHO networking experience.

    So long story short, what advice can you guys and gals give me to make my resume look good? Thanks in advance for all your help, and here's a link to my resume.

    Just my 0.02 but I have a few things that I think are worth considering. Lets see if others think similarly.

    - The first part is really confusing because I thought it was a job position that you had. I would recommend changing the title although the rest of it seems very well written

    - I don't think it's necessary to have your name on the second page

    "Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science (2002 – 2005)
    Northern Illinois University
    (Not completed, withdrew due to financial reasons)"

    - The above needs to be changed. I think the way you have it worded is a red flag. You don't need to tell them that you withdrew for financial reasons in your resume--if they want to know they will ask. But regardless, listing a Bachelor's degree that you don't have isn't a good idea in my humble opinion.

    - Instead try something like:

    Computer Science Courses (studies, classes, etc..) (2002 -2005)
    Northern Illinois University

    I think you have a decent start but you have some work to do. Then again I am no resume master and I think it will be interesting to see what others think. I would also suggest looking through the forums some more because I know there are already several resume helper / advice threads.
  • noki42noki42 Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Lol, I forgot about my name on the second page. Oh well, I guess I was just a tad embarrassed asking for help and tried to hide my name.

    I wasn't sure on the non-completed degree and whether I should include it or not, but I like your idea of changing it to show I took courses there instead.

    Thanks for your comments, I appreciate it. If anyone else would like to add to this, please do.
  • noki42noki42 Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I also tried to reword my initial post a bit, I hope that clears up the wording.
  • mwilliams3535mwilliams3535 Registered Users Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□

    Hey there,

    I just joined this forum today as I am looking to update my CERTS. I came across your post and thought would try to help out. I recently lot my job. I updated my resume and started sending it out last week. As a result, I have 2 interviews scheduled for his week and recruiters have submitted my resume to 13 unique positions. I have uploaded a copy of it (minus personal info). See the link at the op of the message.

    Please feel free to use the format. I've had quite a few people compliment me on it.

    Hope this helps.
  • noki42noki42 Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thanks for the advice guys, I appreciate it.
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