IT Director position

DeathmageDeathmage Banned Posts: 2,496
Hey guys,

I got a interview on Friday for a company that honestly is going to be challenging for me for the 1st year but it will be better than being bored at my current job which is just literally 3 sites and a flat network with minimal use of vlans.

Basically its a hub-spoke design with the primary office being the hub with no real DR site (eek) but extensive redundancy with 3 SAN's with use of VMware 5.5 (35+ VM's +vCenter), Citrix, they are also mostly a Cisco shop for network infrastructure with a number of blade servers. They have about 11 satellite locations each of which have analog/digital phone connections and are mostly /24 networks. They have a ton of point-of-sales stations I've never heard of. They make extensive use of analog/IP-based cameras in all of there locations. Their network and infrastructure I understand and can manage it's the route I'd like to go with my career so I guess I need to start at some point.

The job is literally 20 minutes from were I live currently, a big difference from the 1:25 minute drive one way currently. I seem to as of the late since updating my resume and posting it online that I'm getting replies for job's quite quickly.

What would be some good questions to ask them and honestly what would be a good salary range to ask for?
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