What Book Helped You Pass The 70-290?

squirrelyosissquirrelyosis Member Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
I just finished my 70-270 and I want to start preparing for the 290 exam and I want to find the best book to buy. What book would be the best to get me started; MS Press, Sybex or Exam Cram?

I have a pretty good working knowledge of Server '03 so I'm not a newbie. I have the CBT's and I just need something that will cover all the essentials and best prepare me for the practice tests and eventually the exam. It also doesn't hurt to be easy to read. I used the Exam Cram to start preparing for the XP exam and I really liked it. Has anyone used the Exam Cram for the 290 exam?

Thanks! icon_wink.gif


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