
Resume critique/non-related unfinished degree but with a little IT experience

LeBrokeLeBroke Member Posts: 490 ■■■■□□□□□□
Hi guys,

tl;dr: I'd be grateful if someone were to look at my resume (attached as a jpeg), and either offer specific suggestions, or tell me how well it would work for either L1/L2 support roles or junior admin positions. Also, would it realistically be possible to get a junior admin position with my current CV, or should I forego such jobs entirely and focus on support?

Long version: Short-time lurker, finally decided to post here for some help as I'm in the process of actively looking for a job. Quick summary: I have a degree I've yet to finish (was supposed to last December, but then an injury happened and I was in bed for a month, couldn't finish in spring because wasn't sure if I needed a second surgery). Problem? My degree is in molecular biology in biochemistry (wanted to be a doctor before realizing it's not for me). I plan to finish it in December if I'm able to find an accomodating job (I don't mind working nights if I have to), otherwise I might delay it, as I need the money.

I do have some IT experience, as I've been working part-time for a network security firm. Originally hired for a few hours a week to mostly do admin work/answer client emails, but I quickly transitioned into a more techy role since computers has been a hobby of mine for a long time. However, most of that is directly network security (mostly bitchwork such as running Metasploit/Nessus scans, basic vulnerability exploits, putting together executive and summary reports, setting up virtualized environments for QA/scanning.. mostly support work for ISS audits). I have done a little internal hardware/software maintenance, but not as much as I'd like as we're all very computer literate so mostly troubleshoot and configure everything ourselves.

As such, I can't really write down any specific achievements I did, though I do have a broad skill spectrum.

My boss is, however, willing to vouch for me having skills I haven't used/learned at the job if I demonstrate him a good working proficiency (I'm learning Windows Server 2012 R2 at the moment), so any specific suggestions are welcome (i.e. VMware ESXi?).
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