Passed Core Exam

skajake83skajake83 Member Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
I've been a network administrator for 3 years now, so I just decided a couple of days ago to get the A+. Read a couple study guides and got a 695 on the test, I'm sure I had a couple of things to argue on it, but noone to argue to. I'm going to take the OS exam tomorrow, 1 day prep for that. I think the test is rather easy compared to the mcse program. If anyone needs help preparing let me know, I'll gladly help you out with any of those tests. Any of you guys have a CCIE, that will be my next hurdle to get in the next couple of years.


  • PlantwizPlantwiz Mod Posts: 5,057 Mod
    Congratulations on your test and best wishes for tomorrow :)

    As far as helping other here, whenever you see a thread that you can contribute, by all means, please do! That's what were all here for.

    Since you are interested in CCIE, you may want to look in those forum for the people who can best assist you with your questions.
    "Grammar and spelling aren't everything, but this is a forum, not a chat room. You have plenty of time to spell out the word "you", and look just a little bit smarter." by Phaideaux

    ***I'll add you can Capitalize the word 'I' to show a little respect for yourself too.

    'i' before 'e' except after 'c'.... weird?
  • jescabjescab Inactive Imported Users Posts: 1,321
  • cloudwarriorcloudwarrior Member Posts: 8 ■□□□□□□□□□

    I take my core test tomorrow so you have inspired me :)
  • Random21Random21 Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I'm thinking about taking mine sunday.I've just learned the irqs and dmas by heart.

    Any tips?
  • skajake83skajake83 Member Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I found the technotes section very useful, for the irqs, i/o address, dma channels. Make sure you know cable pins, (ie 40 for ATA 33mbps, 80 for anything faster) Know the I/O address for printers 278 for LPT2, 378 LPT1 and corresponding irqs. My advice on taking any of these tests is this: First go through the test and answer all the questions you know off hand and mark the others for review that you need to spend time on. Then go back over those when you finish, then you can go over the whole test if you need to. Remember to answer with the "FIRST" or "BEST" thing to do in a situation. I don't really think time will be an issue though I think I went through all 80 questions in about 25mins. Then 15mins I reviewed some, then I just graded it. I wasn't going for a perfect, maybe if there was an incentive I would. Read twice over the questions and guys just relax. I know it might be $153, but the more you relax the more you retreive from memory. Think as though you are.
  • Random21Random21 Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    skajake83 wrote:
    I found the technotes section very useful, for the irqs, i/o address, dma channels. Make sure you know cable pins, (ie 40 for ATA 33mbps, 80 for anything faster) Know the I/O address for printers 278 for LPT2, 378 LPT1 and corresponding irqs. My advice on taking any of these tests is this: First go through the test and answer all the questions you know off hand and mark the others for review that you need to spend time on. Then go back over those when you finish, then you can go over the whole test if you need to. Remember to answer with the "FIRST" or "BEST" thing to do in a situation. I don't really think time will be an issue though I think I went through all 80 questions in about 25mins. Then 15mins I reviewed some, then I just graded it. I wasn't going for a perfect, maybe if there was an incentive I would. Read twice over the questions and guys just relax. I know it might be $153, but the more you relax the more you retreive from memory. Think as though you are.

    Many thanks comrade.
  • hill1221hill1221 Member Posts: 34 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Just relax!

    Time is not an issue 80 Questions, 90 minutes. (I finished both Core and OS in less than an hour)

    If you know it, take the first answer that feels right.

    If you ae not sure pick the answer that makes the most sense, mark the question for review and continue the test.

    Sometimes they give you the onswer to one question in a following question. You can change the answer when you review, before you hit finish exam.

    Good Luck icon_wink.gif
    I make technology work for people, not people work for technology!
  • lizaliaslizalias Member Posts: 18 ■□□□□□□□□□
    congrats bro. hopefully i be sitting my OS in 2 weeks, studying HARD.

    bugger though only got 1/10 in the practice exams from techexams lol

    though i got 720 in the core hardware which im happy with. i also disagreed on a few questions i got wrong but the main thing is a pass.

    good luck on everyone sitting their exams. remember to eliminate everything, so that you are left with your answer, and also its good to know why that 'answer' is the answer *if that made sense*
  • s0c0s0c0 Member Posts: 76 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Random21 wrote:
    I'm thinking about taking mine sunday.I've just learned the irqs and dmas by heart.

    Any tips?

    I only received 1 question on IRQs and 0 on DMA. I new both by heart. You have probably over studied already. Just remember to refresh yourself before going in there. I gave myself a half hour of going over key notes, mainly from this site, and it made me feel much more confident.
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