New CCNP Voice exams and old results

Hello guys.
As you probably know the last day for taking 642-XXX exams of CCNP track is January 29 2015 and after that day only new 300-XXX exams will be available.
At the moment I'm going to prepare for the first exam of CCNP Voice track. Let's suppose that I will manage to pass only 1-4 before 642 series will expire. My question is the next: what will happen with my results? Will they also expire and I will have to take all five new 300-XXX once again or I will have to pass only one remaining exam from new versions?
Thank you.
As you probably know the last day for taking 642-XXX exams of CCNP track is January 29 2015 and after that day only new 300-XXX exams will be available.
At the moment I'm going to prepare for the first exam of CCNP Voice track. Let's suppose that I will manage to pass only 1-4 before 642 series will expire. My question is the next: what will happen with my results? Will they also expire and I will have to take all five new 300-XXX once again or I will have to pass only one remaining exam from new versions?
Thank you.
Best, sacredboy!
ande0255 Banned Posts: 1,178
There has been no announcement that new CCNP Voice exams are being released, so I am wondering where you are getting your info from?
I'm sure with all other updates exams, your progress in the track will count in some way shape or form towards the updated track. -
sacredboy Member Posts: 303 ■■■□□□□□□□
Yes I know that there weren't any announcements regarding exams update. I just don't want to get into situation when I would need to retake exams which I already passed.Best, sacredboy! -
theodoxa Member Posts: 1,340 ■■■■□□□□□□
Cisco usually allows you to mix and match exams when they do CCNP updates. With the current CCNP: R&S update, my understanding is they are counting the current (642) exams the same as the new (300) exams. So, if someone was to take ROUTE (642), SWITCH (300), and TSHOOT (300) they would receive CCNP certification. I would expect that when they update CCNP: Voice, they will allow mixing and matching.R&S: CCENT → CCNA → CCNP → CCIE [ ]
Security: CCNA [ ]
Virtualization: VCA-DCV [ ] -
shodown Member Posts: 2,271
yep, I had CUCM 4-6, and 8 exams all count towards my CCNP Voice when I finally got it.Currently Reading
CUCM SRND 9x/10, UCCX SRND 10x, QOS SRND, SIP Trunking Guide, anything contact center related -
sacredboy Member Posts: 303 ■■■□□□□□□□
yep, I had CUCM 4-6, and 8 exams all count towards my CCNP Voice when I finally got it.Best, sacredboy! -
Alex90 Member Posts: 289
I know this thread is a few months old but I too an now hearing rumors of a big update to the CCNP voice track - it would make sense to align it with CCIE Collab and I think it would be brilliant if they gave it an update.
Anyone else heard anything? I sometimes think the voice track is a little over looked, apart from CCIE V to Collab there hasn't been a lot of movement in the track for some time as far as I can see. They only changed the name from CCVP to NP Voice...
If I'm honest I'm even considering putting my voice studies on hold (apart from CCNA Voice) until they update it. Despite the fact you can mix and match old exams with new, I feel it would upset the momentum and add unwanted pressure if they annouced a massive update halfway through studying.
I wanted to get CCNP Voice in the bag as it perfectly compliments my job role but maybe I need to have a rethink on the order I do my certs in if they don't look to update it.