
confused between MS in IT security and continuing with job

atulpolatulpol Member Posts: 13 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hello everyone,
My name is Atul from India . I am working with IT security company for 1 year now in Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing. But I wanted to learn more and get deep into the field. I am thinking to do MS in Information Security from a reputed university abroad. But many are suggesting me to continue with my job and do certifications to get promoted. But I personally feel that doing so would of course promote me but wouldn't increase my pay scale much, as the pay scale in my country is very less. My friends who completed their MS in country like USA are earning six figure salaries and working with reputed companies like Amazon ; and i am here back in India earning 400000 Rs annually i.e. around 8000$ annually even after experience of 1 year. So i am really confused . Can anybody help ?,Is it worth doing it ?

P.S. : MS in US will cost me another 30,000$-40,000$ and even after that jobs for non residents are scarce

Expecting reply at earliest
Thank You
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