
Preparing for SSCP (Sept 8th)

Leftya88Leftya88 Member Posts: 25 ■□□□□□□□□□
Good evening everyone! I have the SSCP coming up on Sept 8th and wanted to get some friendly advice from the forum!

My study materials:

Darril Gibson AIO
ISC2 Studiscope
Various NIST Pubs/FIPS Docs

I have read through Darril twice now, and gone through the practice exams located on that book. I did very well on them and was feeling quite confident until I hit the Studiscope questions. Man, what a step up in difficulty there! I've been averaging about 75% on those, which is definitely below my comfort level. After perusing the forums, I've heard that Darril's doesn't quite cover everything, and was wondering if anybody had some advice on where to focus. On my own so far, I've been reading about Cloud Computing (NIST 800-146) and the Fed. Information Systems Minimum security standards. According to studiscope my weakness is Cryptography (no surprise there since it is not part of my daily duties) and everything else is a strength except for Monitoring and Analysis. I noticed a good amount of questioning related to SEMs as well that was not present in the AIO. Any ideas guys? Thanks!
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