
Need help

patelharipatelhari Member Posts: 30 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hi Everybody,

i m failed in my ccna exam at first attempt and it was very bad score but i was prepared to get atleast 900(i was expecting) icon_lol.gif. But when i attend the exam there were very hard questions and they all on topology not a single question like what are the functions of switch at layer two????? etc. they were very big questions and very hard so from where i can get those questions for practice so i can pass my exam at second attept and because of all questions so big and on topology i was running out of time.

I had two sim question one on vlan and second it was i have to configure router which is connected to other router was configured already with ip address and that configured router was dce end and my was dte end. Configured router was attached to switch and switch to pc when i finished configuration on my router i cant ping that router and even from that pc i cant ping already configured router and from pc i can only ping that router. i didnt had any permission to do anything so where i was wrong and even at last before i finish my configuration i used no shut command. and i lost that sim question plz help me here.

my score wasnt too bad but i dont want say here and i attend exam on 21st and then i took off still i m on off but i say let me go back on track slowly slowly.
I like to play around with 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000


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    SVSV Member Posts: 166
    Could be due to many reasons... IP address configured on the routers or PCs.. routing .... gateways.... etc

    Anyway.... now since you have an idea of the pattern followed in the test, it will definitely help you for the next one icon_smile.gif
    Life is a journey...
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    patelharipatelhari Member Posts: 30 ■■□□□□□□□□
    thanks for yur reply
    I like to play around with 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000
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    petedudepetedude Member Posts: 1,510
    patelhari wrote:
    Hi Everybody,
    I had two sim question one on vlan and second it was i have to configure router which is connected to other router was configured already with ip address and that configured router was dce end and my was dte end. Configured router was attached to switch and switch to pc when i finished configuration on my router i cant ping that router and even from that pc i cant ping already configured router and from pc i can only ping that router. i didnt had any permission to do anything so where i was wrong and even at last before i finish my configuration i used no shut command. and i lost that sim question plz help me here.

    I took the 801 last week and had similar stuff hit me. I have a home lab with two routers, but it wasn't really set up properly. The two-router lab here has helped a lot. :) It seems like the best way to prep for these is to spend time in simulators, or preferably, on real routers!

    Not sure when I'll retake. Part of me is eager to tackle it again, but part of me is thinking I should study to where I can nail the ICND first if I want to (already passed Intro)-- since so many of the technologies on the ICND are key to the 801, it seems like I should cover those intensely before I go back.
    Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
    --Will Rogers
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