
Passed both tests

ChamayoChamayo Member Posts: 18 ■□□□□□□□□□
Thanks guys for your support, guidance and tips. Surprised myself after passing both tests today on my first try. Enjoying my promised victory cigar and drink B-)

Will start getting ready for MCSD C# App developer certification. Good luckto everyone!


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    Nafe92014Nafe92014 Member Posts: 279 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Congratulations! I myself became certified on Wednesday. :)
    Certification Goals 2020: CCNA, Security+

    "You have enemies? Good, that means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." ~Winston S. Churchill
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    ChamayoChamayo Member Posts: 18 ■□□□□□□□□□
    It was fun because I had to travel to a different city in order to take both tests one after the other on the same afternoon.
    I honestly thought I was going to be the only nerd there but it turns out there were a lot of people and at one time the whole room almost filled up (some were there for other certifications.)

    I was quite impressed by the testing software as it was pretty advanced in my opinion.
    The first test was a breeze because I've been practicing with countless books.... but the second one turned out to be nightmare as not only did I want to pee all of a sudden (no breaks allowed) but they were asking long questions that took time to think about. Luckily I was also well-prepared and got the same score (take one or two points away) as the one before.

    :D It was pretty fun! :D
    I hope this forum has a MCSD section as I want to become a Microsoft developer.

    Congratulations on your A+ Certifications as well! :D
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    OojijoOOojijoO Member Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Did you find that the 802 was significantly more difficult than the 801? I felt like some of the questions on the 801 were unnecessary (printers, how to deal with customers, etc...).
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    hisesahisesa Member Posts: 30 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Congratulations!! Good luck with the next one!
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    ChamayoChamayo Member Posts: 18 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I thought the opposite, that the 802 asked unnecessary questions... well actually... not entirely unnecessary but with unnecessary options. I also thought for a while that they were playing with my mind because the questions were similar like the ones in the Microsoft kit, and a little longer and more confusing. I literally watched the clock tick about on the 40 minute mark when I still needed to respond to 50 questions, and at the 30 minute mark when I had about 33 questions to answer.. finally at the 20 minute mark when I had exactly 20 questions to answer. Luckily at the end I had 8 minutes left to go over my questions as exactly like the website says... that they allow time to go over questions you are allowed to mark as "save for later review" with a checkmark. I literally forgot I wanted to pee at the beginning. I recommend everyone studies the hardest they can with all their heart because the second part is very demanding unlike the first. That's if they want to get As on both tests like me :D
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