need some help diagnosing app crashes

DragonrangerDragonranger Member Posts: 101
Howdy boys im hoping someone can point me in the right direction on this cause im out of ideas.

Ive been experiencing app crashes with ONLY game clients. I experienced it quite often with bf4. I always chalked it up to bf4s constant problems. Bf4 was a mess at one point.

So flash forward a few months and now i am experiancing app crashes on other games. Assassins creed 3, 4 and diablo 3 to name a few. I have tried everything i can think of graphic driver updates galore. Ram passed memtest86, video card passes furmark bench mark tool. Additionally the video card was repalced with an updated one 2 months ago.

Last week i decided to do a reformat of win 7 home 64bit. Installed all drivers from motherboard manufacturer. Latestest nvida drivers, 344.11 yes i have tried rolling back drivers.. Replaced the old power supply with a 750 watt. Replaced my old hard drive with a new 2tb. To no avail still getting app crash.

Event viewer reveals no useful info. I have had only 1 bsod and analyzed a memory.dmp file which said the cause of the issue was nvlddmkm.sys.

Im at my witts end and have no clue what to try next. Any ideas are appreciated
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