Passed my 70-687

If you are studying for 70-687 focus on ADT, AST and seriously lab every single exercise in the Course book. It wasn't easy and wasn't hard either.
Good luck.
Good luck.
Doyen Member Posts: 397 ■■■□□□□□□□
Congratulations on the pass and thank you for sharing your advice.Goals for 2016: [] VCP 5.5: ICM (recertifying) , [ ] VMware VCA-NV, [ ] 640-911 DCICN, [ ] 640-916 DCICT, [ ] CCNA: Data Center, [ ] CISSP (Associate), [ ] 300-101 ROUTE, [ ] 300-115 SWITCH, [ ] 300-135 TSHOOT, [ ] CCNP: Route & Switch, [ ] CEHv8, [ ] LX0-103, [ ] LX0-104
Future Goals: WGU MSISA or Capital Technology Univerisity MSCIS Degree Program
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