CCNA Voice Lab setup help request

mikejensen83mikejensen83 Member Posts: 22 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hello, I am trying to setup 2 7960 Cisco IP phones with a 2800 series router with CME and a 3560 switch.

I believe I have the configurations proper on the router and switch, but think I am missing configuration files for the actual phones.

Right now the way I have everything setup I have assigned extensions to the phones along with names, and they do appear on the display of the phones.

For the life of me I can’t get the phones to call each other. One phone has a busy signal when I pick it up off the hook and the other is just dead silence.

The phones do display “unknown number” when I pickup the headsets.

Below are my configs from my router and switch.

I would greatly appreciate any help.

Thank you


Router2800#show run
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 4696 bytes
! No configuration change since last restart
version 15.1
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname Router2800
no logging buffered
enable password !Pass1234
no aaa new-model
clock timezone NewYork -5 0
clock summer-time NewYork date Apr 6 2003 2:00 Oct 26 2003 2:00
no dot11 syslog
ip source-route
ip cef
no ip dhcp use vrf connected
ip dhcp excluded-address
ip dhcp pool VOICE
option 150 ip
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
voice-card 0
crypto pki token default removal timeout 0
crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-3811012092
enrollment selfsigned
subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-3811012092
revocation-check none
crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-3811012092
certificate self-signed 01
3082022B 30820194 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030
31312F30 2D060355 04031326 494F532D 53656C66 2D536967 6E65642D 43657274
69666963 6174652D 33383131 30313230 3932301E 170D3030 30313031 30303032
32335A17 0D323030 31303130 30303030 305A3031 312F302D 06035504 03132649
4F532D53 656C662D 5369676E 65642D43 65727469 66696361 74652D33 38313130
31323039 3230819F 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003 818D0030 81890281
8100BFC3 D0A2473D 2A0830FB 60B4C612 BD475F73 F2E11775 AFCAA7B7 5FD4D53D
D3A2961C FB3880D5 6CB91504 B3A19759 CBB1BC7B 801B54C7 1BC68D3C 925BADFD
A3429949 41C2AE48 E3BC12C7 9837E20F 13A17460 72AB3A92 65CA2FF8 DCCF9243
4AB3C920 E145510A EFEB4174 07D7E5B5 A244C2E0 CB4D7E8E B5C7CE27 1C83A3FD
94670203 010001A3 53305130 0F060355 1D130101 FF040530 030101FF 301F0603
551D2304 18301680 1474772F F0B75C8E AD42A2B1 70F7681B 890408CA AE301D06
03551D0E 04160414 74772FF0 B75C8EAD 42A2B170 F7681B89 0408CAAE 300D0609
2A864886 F70D0101 04050003 818100AD B485DC77 3E3B20DA 17CF4967 65DC23EB
9ED0BB60 C9A97D14 E42B7703 64FE19BD C885379E D2729DB7 EFD63E4A 8638E475
50A13A50 CA2FAB35 16A0917F 40B78D9D 201A3E7D 92188033 87B70D43 D5EBF235
2D9009E5 D24F1313 17A770A4 EE27FD59 6E1DBCC8 13B0F160 D7A0CDC0 BF070214
26939586 2004D644 DF440E54 1216F7
license udi pid CISCO2821 sn FCZ100671KD
log config
username admin privilege 15 secret 5 $1$hGri$XgPyh9NY88KnSIewnf0q9.
username Mike privilege 15 password 0 !Pass1234
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface GigabitEthernet0/0.50
description Management_interface
encapsulation dot1Q 50
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0.100
description data_interface
encapsulation dot1Q 100
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0.200
description voice_interface
encapsulation dot1Q 200
ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
ip default-gateway
ip forward-protocol nd
ip http server
ip http authentication local
ip http secure-server
ip http path flash:
logging esm config
tftp-server flash:/P00308000500.bin alias P00308000500.bin
tftp-server flash:/P00308000500.loads
tftp-server flash:/P00308000500.sb2 alias P00308000500.sb2
tftp-server flash:/P00308000500.sbn alias P00308000500.sbn
tftp-server flash:/P00308000400.bin
tftp-server flash:/P00308000400.sbn
mgcp profile default
no auto-reg-ephone
max-ephones 25
max-dn 25
ip source-address port 2000
application telephony-service
system message Jensen House
cnf-file location flash:
max-conferences 8 gain -6
web admin system name admin secret 5 $1$58da$HrHuH1jp3xo72RJlBR4YZ0
transfer-system full-consult
create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
ephone-dn 1
number 1001
label Mike Jensen
name Mike Jensen
application telephony-service
ephone-dn 2 dual-line
number 1002
label Laura Jensen
name Laura Jensen
application telephony-service
ephone 1
device-security-mode none
mac-address 0015.2B23.B429
username "Mike"
type 7960
button 1:1
ephone 2
device-security-mode none
mac-address 001B.0C18.7C0D
username "Laura"
type 7960
button 1:2
banner login ^C*************************UNATHORIZED ACCESS IS NOT PERMITED*********************^C
line con 0
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
login local
transport input ssh
scheduler allocate 20000 1000
ntp master
ntp update-calendar
ntp server prefer source GigabitEthernet0/0



PoE_Switch#show run
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 4227 bytes
version 12.2
no service pad
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname PoE_Switch
no aaa new-model
system mtu routing 1500
crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-2454984448
enrollment selfsigned
subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-2454984448
revocation-check none
rsakeypair TP-self-signed-2454984448
crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-2454984448
certificate self-signed 01
30820243 308201AC A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030
31312F30 2D060355 04031326 494F532D 53656C66 2D536967 6E65642D 43657274
69666963 6174652D 32343534 39383434 3438301E 170D3933 30333031 30303031
31305A17 0D323030 31303130 30303030 305A3031 312F302D 06035504 03132649
4F532D53 656C662D 5369676E 65642D43 65727469 66696361 74652D32 34353439
38343434 3830819F 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003 818D0030 81890281
8100BB7A 57ED2733 4643A347 99A0DB57 C0E53764 256BF646 1CDE2556 8E86AEA4
69548AF7 E13B9735 29FD8725 95A9E2DD E015F357 E97957E6 13875224 2BD8414B
5F574455 7723072D C03EE5B7 08656811 D53B3896 AC64AE8C F7D97197 75322EDB
80630371 A09D0273 EF5FBC24 FCE88042 703A7B50 BAF6463D B83F1736 4A0340BE
79290203 010001A3 6B306930 0F060355 1D130101 FF040530 030101FF 30160603
551D1104 0F300D82 0B506F45 5F537769 7463682E 301F0603 551D2304 18301680
144ADBA2 1BE9B0D4 2A23FDF9 439D88A9 BB366E1A E7301D06 03551D0E 04160414
4ADBA21B E9B0D42A 23FDF943 9D88A9BB 366E1AE7 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101
04050003 81810046 9709974D CA2747CA 0B64E7EB 4F203BA5 2FC6B773 55878AB2
9772B243 8FCEE754 9AEAF8B7 518C07D8 99880F87 FE630CD1 EC96CB41 C1AAC1E1
FEC05844 E4E41810 93C4B9F8 1BBC8D18 5B68B22A A12E9D24 55974F9E 7A45227E
19D939C0 08320585 50A903B9 5DE8E866 7FEB4F3E 5AD2885C 9DE40970 CE832A1B
3CB83A89 A60C0B
spanning-tree mode pvst
spanning-tree extend system-id
vlan internal allocation policy ascending
interface FastEthernet0/1
switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
switchport mode trunk
interface FastEthernet0/2
switchport access vlan 50
switchport mode access
interface FastEthernet0/3
switchport access vlan 100
switchport mode access
switchport voice vlan 200
spanning-tree portfast
interface FastEthernet0/4
switchport access vlan 100
switchport mode access
switchport voice vlan 200
spanning-tree portfast
interface FastEthernet0/5
interface FastEthernet0/6
interface FastEthernet0/7
interface FastEthernet0/8
interface FastEthernet0/9
interface FastEthernet0/10
interface FastEthernet0/11
interface FastEthernet0/12
interface FastEthernet0/13
interface FastEthernet0/14
interface FastEthernet0/15
interface FastEthernet0/16
interface FastEthernet0/17
interface FastEthernet0/18
interface FastEthernet0/19
interface FastEthernet0/20
interface FastEthernet0/21
interface FastEthernet0/22
interface FastEthernet0/23
interface FastEthernet0/24
interface FastEthernet0/25
interface FastEthernet0/26
interface FastEthernet0/27
interface FastEthernet0/28
interface FastEthernet0/29
interface FastEthernet0/30
interface FastEthernet0/31
interface FastEthernet0/32
interface FastEthernet0/33
interface FastEthernet0/34
interface FastEthernet0/35
interface FastEthernet0/36
interface FastEthernet0/37
interface FastEthernet0/38
interface FastEthernet0/39
interface FastEthernet0/40
interface FastEthernet0/41
interface FastEthernet0/42
interface FastEthernet0/43
interface FastEthernet0/44
interface FastEthernet0/45
interface FastEthernet0/46
interface FastEthernet0/47
interface FastEthernet0/48
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
interface GigabitEthernet0/3
interface GigabitEthernet0/4
interface Vlan1
no ip address
interface Vlan50
ip address
interface Vlan100
description Data
ip address
interface Vlan200
description Voice
ip address
ip default-gateway
ip classless
ip http server
ip http secure-server
line con 0
line vty 0 4
line vty 5 15
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