Need some help getting IE6 fixed..

matts5074matts5074 Member Posts: 148
I would appreciate any ideas someone might have with this. I had a failed Win2K to XP upgrade that also trashed the Win2K install. I spent hours trying to fix it without any luck.

I ended up installing XP to the same partition so I could keep the data on the drive. The problem is now Internet Explorer doesn't work. It doesn't even open, but gives an "Exception" or "CRC Error".

I have tried removing it from Add/Remove Programs and re-installing. The installer runs *way* too quickly to actually install anything. I have uninstalled and removed the directory... still doesn't work.

My guess is the XP install went over the version of IE that was in Win2K and that's why I'm having problems.

I have found a program that will uninstall IE from Win9X & 2K, but nothing for XP.

Any tips?

And if you have links to a offline install of IE (5 or better) I would be glad to try those!!



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