Comptia Continuing Education Inquiry

in Security+
Hello Everyone,
Sorry if this is in the wrong category but I just had a question about Comptia's Continuing Education. I read up on the website and you have to designate an "intent" level of renewal. Naturally the current "highest" cert I have is Security + which would also be my intent level. However, there is certification that I would like to study for that fulfills the criteria of renewing Network+.
So i guess my question would be would I have to designate my "intent" to net+? Or if i left it as security+ would I be out of luck and would it not even apply. Thank you everyone!
Sorry if this is in the wrong category but I just had a question about Comptia's Continuing Education. I read up on the website and you have to designate an "intent" level of renewal. Naturally the current "highest" cert I have is Security + which would also be my intent level. However, there is certification that I would like to study for that fulfills the criteria of renewing Network+.
So i guess my question would be would I have to designate my "intent" to net+? Or if i left it as security+ would I be out of luck and would it not even apply. Thank you everyone!
TechGuru80 Member Posts: 1,539 ■■■■■■□□□□
Look at the section on CompTIA about renewing through passing certifications. It gives a whole list...the idea generally is that you have Network+ before Security+. -
Doyen Member Posts: 397 ■■■□□□□□□□
Unfortunately, according to the CompTIA re-certification program, you would be out of luck for using Network+ towards your Security+ re-certification.Goals for 2016: [] VCP 5.5: ICM (recertifying) , [ ] VMware VCA-NV, [ ] 640-911 DCICN, [ ] 640-916 DCICT, [ ] CCNA: Data Center, [ ] CISSP (Associate), [ ] 300-101 ROUTE, [ ] 300-115 SWITCH, [ ] 300-135 TSHOOT, [ ] CCNP: Route & Switch, [ ] CEHv8, [ ] LX0-103, [ ] LX0-104
Future Goals: WGU MSISA or Capital Technology Univerisity MSCIS Degree Program
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