Education Check Week Before Start?

aidan80aidan80 Member Posts: 147 ■■□□□□□□□□
I took a job offer a few weeks ago. I got official confirmation that the job was mine plus a start date last week and handed in my notice to my current employer. Here I am with just 4 days to go before I'm out of my current job and my new employer calls to ask for copies of my certificates and transcripts. I'm feeling weird about that because I'd already given them a copy. I even emailed them a copy so they couldn't lose it! Why would they want another copy after I've resigned? Maybe I'm freaking out over nothing but I've never had an employer want to check my education a week before I start before. I thought they did this before they made an offer and gave a start date. I've nothing to worry about education wise everything I listed in my application is the truth and I've plenty of evidence to back it up.


  • ShdwmageShdwmage Member Posts: 374
    I would just send it again. They are probably in a stack of paperwork someplace that was misplaced. It happens. I think it'd look bad for you to throw a fit about them losing it. If you can, set them up with temporary access to see your transcripts.
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  • aidan80aidan80 Member Posts: 147 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I'm not impressed they lost it. I did send it again, as I did the first time via email. I'm just shocked the same person asked for it yet again. Maybe it's just me but it makes me nervous this person gave me the official offer to start and after the fact they are doing an education check? If they lost an email of all things I just hope they didn't screw anything else up as I'm out of a job at the end of the week.
  • networker050184networker050184 Mod Posts: 11,962 Mod
    Nothing to worry about I'm sure. I've mistakenly asked for the same info more than once in my career. Things get busy, things get lost, things just happen. Don't sweat it.
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