
Starting an Infrastructure Ops role

GBAKER2204GBAKER2204 Member Posts: 91 ■■■□□□□□□□
Hi TE,

I start an Infra Ops role in the morning, however I have not directly done infra work for 3.5 years, and actually supported an infrastructure for 6.5 years, so naturally I am a little nervous.

That's not to say that in that time frame I have sat back, I have earned my MCSE 2003 Security, upgraded that to 2008 MCITP:EA, taken a number of VMWare VCAs and partner accreditiations, paid for and taken VCP5-DCV (which I need to recertify for) and worked in application support for 3 years of that supporting applications in wide varieties of infrastructures (Windows 2000 Server to 2008 R2, Citrix XenApp, Windows TS, Clusters, and VDI environments, Sql) needing to liaise with their IT tier 2 and 3 engineers. More recently I have been doing VIP support, and not been doing such technical work (personal reasons prevented me from moving job easily).

Obviously my employer knows all of the above, and I was approached for this role (not the other way around), however I wondered if you had any advice for how I can get back in the saddle quickly.

The role will involve supporting VSphere 5 environments, 2k8 Server support, supporting Cisco UCS and support of NetApp and XenDesktop environments. Really looking forward to learning some new technologies.
WIP: 2017 - VCP6.5-DCV (Achieved), VCAP6-DCV, Citrix CCA-V
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