Career Advice - IT Security (CompTIA Sec+ 301 vs 401)

DeZi xPDeZi xP Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hey TechForums,I would like to begin by thanking everyone on the forums for some great information. It's been a ton of help and I'm currently stepping foot into IT security. I worked with iPhones/iPads for the last three years on Mobile Security. My primary work revolved around jailbreaking, installing Bundles, modifying root files, and ultimately unlocking a CDMA phone to work on GSM networks using sim imposers. It is a great business that I ultimately think was under-rate. Soon after the iPhone 5C/5S Sprint's came out, Apple cracked down their security harder and solutions to unlocking became tougher and ultimately non existent. So I pretty much stopped working and researching into jobs for IT security.

I am currently in the process of completing my CompTIA Security+. I've been studying from Darril Gibson's Get Certified Get Ahead SY0-301 edition for about a month and am nearly finished with it. I began scheduling a testing date and noticed that there is an option to take SY0-401 or SY0-301. This is a bit of a setback because I didn't think there was a newer version of the Sec+ cert. Gibson just released the newer edition of his book about 2-3 weeks ago. I am trying to decide weather I should go through and finish the SY0-301 and then go through the SY0-401 or should I just stop now and go from the beginning through SY0-401. There are just a few topics that were added such as Mobile Device Security which shouldn't be to much if I took it on myself to research and study material online rather than having to start all over.

Ultimately I'm planning on starting to study for the Network+ cert right after I complete the Sec+ and eventually go on and either do MCSA:Sec or CASP and if it comes time, I will try for CEH. But for someone like me who had little experience in IT security, I believe it would be best to get Certified in Sec+ & Network +, and get a job to get some real world experience before diving into any specific line.

EDIT: I decided to go over the CBT Nugget videos and fill in any gaps in the book.


  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,110 Admin
    The Sec+ 401 exam contains about 15% more objective material than the 301 exam, so it is certainly possible to pass the 401 exam having only studied 301 material. People typically do not put on their resume the specific generation (e.g., 2011, 2014) of a certification exam they passed--the exception being the CEH--and you will rarely find an employer who asks. (I passed my Sec+ back in 2004 and no interviewer has ever asked me when I took it.)

    You have until 12/31/2014 to take the 301 exam, so no reason not to go for 301 if you will be ready before then.
  • DeZi xPDeZi xP Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
    That's reassuring. So I would gain a bit more information but as far as jobs, it wouldn't matter.

    Thanks for the information
  • psheehan5psheehan5 Member Posts: 80 ■■■□□□□□□□
    DeZi xP, Since you have already been studying Darril's book, my recommendation is you join his premium site for the 30 days and schedule a 301 exam by the 15th of December. The premium site and the book will give you everything you need to pass the test. I passed today using those materials.
  • DeZi xPDeZi xP Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thanks, I will look into that. It was a whopping $258.99 to get a voucher from getcertified4less and I only have one testing day that I can take the SY0-301 exam around here that is still open before 2014 ends. That being said, that gives me two weeks to go over my material. Any test takers for SY0-301 that have any advise or motivational stories for this exam?

    I am off to making flash cards, reviewing the chapters, and taking practice tests. I will update test results after December 10th.
  • DeZi xPDeZi xP Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Just passed my 301! I would like to thank everyone at TechExam with all the great information and resources. I was on here every other day. Honestly, I had a harder time with the practice exam questions that TechExams offers. I had absolute no computer security or network knowledge before studying for this exam; only a bit mobile security. I started November 3rd, and went through every chapter of Darrils Book from front to back, summarizing all of his chapters in word. His examples were great! They helped me visualize what what going on and allows me to giggle every now and then while keeping the material fresh.

    I got through the book by December, and scheduled the exam on the 9th. The night of the 7th, I started freaking out because I couldn't get my head around asymmetric encryption where where all these keys where and what they were doing. So I rescheduled to the 16th (an extra week) and studied them. I can provide notes to anyone who needs them. It helped when I color coordinated it.

    Here is how I did it:
    1. Take Darril Gibson's practice exam. See where you are at. I got an 69% the first time but half of it was luck.
    2. Read through Darril Gibson's book from front to back and summarize it in your own words; don't just copy what you see. You can get through a chapter a day (11 total) if you put 4-6 hours into it.
    2. Do the quizzes the day after you finish a chapter and study the night before. Try to soak up the knowledge.
    3. After you finish all your notes, go through them and compress it even more. You will begin to realize where you need to review material because you will write more notes in some topics, and less in others or none at all because it's obvious stuff.
    4. Do his "Practical Exam" and time it. Give yourself 90 Minutes.
    5. Review all the questions, and see where you got the most questions wrong.
    6. Do some outside research and dive into the logistics of the protocols and topics
    7. Go over all the quizzes again and see if you score higher or get the wrong questions wrong. (It stings a lot harder the second time if you get it wrong, and I can assure you probably won't forget it again) I scored on average about 10% higher which was what I needed to feel comfortable taking the exam.
    8. Go over CBT Micro Nuggets videos on youtube on the topics you have a harder time in.
    9. Take the Practical Exam that TechExam offers. I was shocked when I got a 60% on it because there is some things that Darril didn't cover.
    10. Re-write all the protocols and ports. I had a story to each protocol and port so I can remember them easier. Also with Hashing, Asymmetric and Symmetric protocols.
    11. Know all your abbreviations. even if you think you know them all, go through the index and see what you don't know
    12. Rest easy, enjoy and have fun coming up with solutions to everyday security problems!

    Going to take a little break and get right back into my next step. If anyone has suggestions, please post! I was thinking of doing my Network+, then going on to doing either MSCE or C|EH.
  • Roopa AmitRoopa Amit Registered Users Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□

    Congratulations for passing S+ exam. I am suprised you were able to clear it in one go and that too in such a short time. I am preparing for s+ too and the materials I am using is Syngress Comptia security plus books. There are several authors in it. JKO-010 is the number on it. I shall see if I could get a good copy of Darril gibson's book on Amazon. These books are expensive.Is this the right book? I am now doubtful. Also how did you make notes and flash cards, I do not know how to do it. I have no single certification yet. Please guide.
  • DeZi xPDeZi xP Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Hey Roopa,

    First off, Happy New Year and welcome aboard! Secondly, thanks for the support. I feel good about a career path in IT and I just put my mind and interest in learning as much as I can about it in the shortest amount of time. You will too see the challenges that come with the Sec+ exam if it is your first time around, but it's rewarding once you understand it.

    As you might already know, you will have to take the SY0-401 exam now that the v3 exam expired in 2014. That being said, you can take a look at Darril's SY0-401 CompTIA Sec+ exam. You should this book from amazon. It's about $36 prime shipping. I honestly think this is the only expense you will have apart from the actual price of taking the exam.

    I make notes using bullet points. Darril does a great job breaking down major topics to minor topics. Use microsoft word and Type "I." then space and you will start making bullet points fairly easy, when you want to make sub-categories, just hit enter and enter again. When you are ready for a new major topic, hold shift and hit tab. I've attached an example of my notes so you can see what I am talking about. Honestly, this might not be the best way you learn, so don't use it if it seems obsolete. I still believe writing everything down by hand tends to be the best way, but I have horrible hand writing =)

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