Linux Question: Default group for a user is Wheel, when it shouldn't be

JockVSJockJockVSJock Member Posts: 1,118
This is in Cent OS v7.0.

Whenever I create a file/directory as a standard user, that file/directory is inherited by the group Wheel, not the use that creates it. This happens in any directory where I either create a directory/file.

That user though it part of the Wheel group and also has their own group under /etc/group (its primary group is not Wheel).

Is there a way to change this, so that when a user creates a file/directory, the owner is their group, not the Wheel group?
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  • alias454alias454 Member Posts: 648 ■■■■□□□□□□
    You can list all the groups a user is a member of from the command line.
    Open up a terminal and type in
    groups <user> where <user> is the login id of the user in question
    After that, you can find the primary group from the command line by typing
    getent group <user>

    See what memberships the user has and what the primary group is
    “I do not seek answers, but rather to understand the question.”
  • dmoore44dmoore44 Member Posts: 646
    What is your UMASK set to?
    Graduated Carnegie Mellon University MSIT: Information Security & Assurance Currently Reading Books on TensorFlow
  • jmritenourjmritenour Member Posts: 565
    Does this occur in everything under /, or is a different directory? Is the sticky bit set for that directory, with wheel owning it?

    What's the output of ls -ld for the directory your working in? If there's a "s" grouped in with the group permissions, then that means the sticky bit for group ownership is set.

    jritenour@jritenour-mint17:~/test > ls -ld test3/
    drwxr-sr-x 2 jritenour test 4096 Dec 6 07:43 test3/
    "Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible; suddenly, you are doing the impossible." - St. Francis of Assisi
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