Cisco 881w Can't Access AP

dimeifieddimeified Member Posts: 13 ■□□□□□□□□□
I can't seem to get into the AP in my Cisco 881w. I issue the "service module wlan 0 session" command, then I log in, and the AP hangs, the bootloader never kicks off. I hit enter plenty of times, it didn't work.
I ended up getting a new wireless lan controller and radio board on ebay, popped them into my router, and had no problems entering the AP, however the flash chip on that board was damaged, so I returned it. The good thing is though, I confirmed my router's hardware is OK, and that I am following proper procedure to enter the AP.
I have my original wireless lan controller back in my AP, and I've tried the recovery procedures both with and without the radio board plugged in with the same results, so I'm sure the radio board isn't the problem.
I've upgraded my router to the latest ios (for testing purposes) and have performed the following to no avail:
service-module wlan-ap 0 reset bootloader
service-module wlan-ap 0 reset
service-module wlan-ap 0 reset default-config
service-module wlan-ap 0 upgrade bootloader
That last command is in the new ios, but not my original, however it doesn't seem to actually do anything. Unlike the wait time of the "reset bootloader" command, the "upgrade bootloader" command kicks back to the router prompt immediately.
I am out of options, does anyone know if there is anything I can do? The router boot shows an AP card installed, the status shows "waiting for registration message" until the login fails, then the status is "service module is in a failed state."
I am certain that if i could properly flash the bootloader, I could recover this wireless controller. Does anybody have any other suggestions I could try out? These boards seem impossible to come by, that ebay one was the only one I saw for sale.
Otherwise if anybody has a busted up 881w, but the wireless lan card works, I would love to purchase it from you.
For now I am using an external dlink AP so i have a wireless connection to passify me for now, but I really want to get this thing up and running properly. Also for what its worth, the wlan lights are green.


  • dimeifieddimeified Member Posts: 13 ■□□□□□□□□□
    fwiw i ended up finding another controller on ebay, we'll see how this one works out.
  • LinuxRacrLinuxRacr Member Posts: 653 ■■■■□□□□□□
    How did this work out for you? I've had similar issues, but have been able to get the AP working again, but I suspect that I may need to go ahead and replace the module.
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