Time limit between completion of 801 and 802?

rsxwithslicksrsxwithslicks Member Posts: 75 ■■■□□□□□□□
I was wondering if there was a time limit between completing the 802 test and completing the 801 test?

I was planning on taking my 802 test this coming Monday. However today I received a phone call for an interview with a company on Monday. If I was hired, I wouldn't be able to take any days off for quite some time. Probably in the 90-180 day range. If there was a time limit, I was thinking of postponing my 802 test until I was able sure I can take the time to take my 801.

Thanks in advance.


  • houdini5150houdini5150 Member Posts: 37 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Can you schedule a test around the interview or vice versa? Or explain to them you have prior commitments before hand and schedule your interview accordingly and test for future.
  • Jon_CiscoJon_Cisco Member Posts: 1,772 ■■■■■■■■□□
    It's at least worth discussing at the time that you get an offer. Before the offer your really just over thinking it. If you already know the information I do not recommend waiting as you will need to restudy again at the later time. Better to try and finish it now but be excited if you do land a job you wanted.

    Good Luck!
  • PlantwizPlantwiz Mod Posts: 5,057 Mod
    I was wondering if there was a time limit between completing the 802 test and completing the 801 test?

    I was planning on taking my 802 test this coming Monday. However today I received a phone call for an interview with a company on Monday. If I was hired, I wouldn't be able to take any days off for quite some time. Probably in the 90-180 day range. If there was a time limit, I was thinking of postponing my 802 test until I was able sure I can take the time to take my 801.

    Thanks in advance.


    Cart before horse here, take a breath.
    First, you do not have the job yet, so relax. I know you are thinking you are going to land this gig and this is the next best thing, but once you have been in the job market a bit longer (decades) you realize, there are many more people smarter than you interviewing and end up with better package deals because they calculate their 'needs and wants' into the negotiating process. So, yes, proceed with the 'I'm going to get the job mentality, but once step at a time here...

    Second, why do you need so much time between exams? Take them closer together. Yes, there are two schools of thought on this whole test process of taking them together or taking them days to weeks apart, but maybe you can alter the date on the second test? I like the 'take them both the same day approach'. Main reason, when working with the technology for A+, the knowledge must be known in tandem not independent of each other. That aside, those with anxiety, any spectrum disorder, or learning disabilities, stress too much trying to take both exams the same day and for their success, need to separate the events, even though they do 'know' the material. Then there are the folks who are just too scared to take both exams together, and since it is a big outlay of cash, if if make one feel better with a little space between the tests...put a week or two between. With that stated, a week or two between should allow you plenty of time to get both exams completed without missing work.

    Lastly, if this new opportunity hits you quickly and you are beginning the new job immediately, congratulations, just let them know before you start you need 'x' date and time away for an appointment. I (today) see a test as nothing different than a doctors visit, some appointments one simply cannot move and work needs to provide the time away (it may be unpaid time away, so what) they will usually honor the request off.

    And as far as time limit (again, I encourage folks to take their exams PDQ in most cases), from interview until actually landing the job, usually takes a few weeks for bigger jobs. Entry level, maybe a week or two at minimum, but higher level stuff, figure a month min. You have from the time you take and pass your first exam until the time the exam resets (new revision) to complete your second exam...check CompTIA's website for retiring dates if any.

    Relax, go with your plan, take the test, plan on the second test, when the interview and job opportunity actually conflict, know you have negotiating options.

    Best wishes
    "Grammar and spelling aren't everything, but this is a forum, not a chat room. You have plenty of time to spell out the word "you", and look just a little bit smarter." by Phaideaux

    ***I'll add you can Capitalize the word 'I' to show a little respect for yourself too.

    'i' before 'e' except after 'c'.... weird?
  • stryder144stryder144 Member Posts: 1,684 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Depending on where you live, you might be able to find a testing center that has extended hours (night time) or weekends (Saturdays). I would suggest researching which testing centers have the hours that you need. That way, you don't have to put off the test.
    The easiest thing to be in the world is you. The most difficult thing to be is what other people want you to be. Don't let them put you in that position. ~ Leo Buscaglia

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  • techfiendtechfiend Member Posts: 1,481 ■■■■□□□□□□
    801 and 802 are so similar I don't see why one would want to wait long to take the 802 after the 801. I did 801 on a Thursday and 802 the next Tuesday which I thought was too long, I wish I scheduled the 802 on Friday, I would have retained more knowledge. To answer your question I'm pretty sure you have 3 years to take 802 after 801, but you aren't certified until you've passed both.

    Is the 802 scheduled before your interview and can you get to your interview on time after that? If so, that would be a great situation, especially if you pass, it'll give you a lot of confidence which should improve your interview and give you a better chance by saying you are now A+ certified and handing the interviewers a fresh resume with A+ on there. If 802 is after the interview I'd definitely reschedule to the next day or two but I wouldn't let waiting for a job offer get in the way of certification.

    I have a forward-looking mindset too and I thought A+ was a ticket to a job but it's not, I spent 3 tiring months after getting my A+ to gain employment and I'd say that was fairly quick compared to many others. Luck had something to do with me being hired, I was looked at more for technical skills then personality and I was the first hire for this manager and really didn't have to do anything besides interview, no application or references and just one form to sign.
    2018 AWS Solutions Architect - Associate (Apr) 2017 VCAP6-DCV Deploy (Oct) 2016 Storage+ (Jan)
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  • rsxwithslicksrsxwithslicks Member Posts: 75 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Thanks for the input guys!

    I'll look into the weekend test centers.

    I'm just not confident in my 801 as I have trouble memorizing the details of the different hardware components.
  • techfiendtechfiend Member Posts: 1,481 ■■■■□□□□□□
    802 objectives are more troubleshooting and cli with a little bit of hardware. The tests I took, everyone gets different questions, there wasn't really a line that could be drawn to differentiate the two except for the simulations which are the same for everyone. I won't say what the 801 and 802 sims are due to NDA but 802's are not hardware.
    2018 AWS Solutions Architect - Associate (Apr) 2017 VCAP6-DCV Deploy (Oct) 2016 Storage+ (Jan)
    2015 Start WGU (Feb) Net+ (Feb) Sec+ (Mar) Project+ (Apr) Other WGU (Jun) CCENT (Jul) CCNA (Aug) CCNA Security (Aug) MCP 2012 (Sep) MCSA 2012 (Oct) Linux+ (Nov) Capstone/BS (Nov) VCP6-DCV (Dec) ITILF (Dec)
  • fcp4lifefcp4life Member Posts: 35 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I passed my 801 in mid October plan on taking the 802 during winter break, would have done it sooner but with final papers due in school and starting a new job id wait until break, while still studying feeling confident about it.
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