Sub-interface frame relay nat

sawnboy12sawnboy12 Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hey all .
Why , when you configured frame relay network and you want to use nat , why you have to use sub interface and point to point ?
i mean like
interface Serial2/0.300 point-to-point ip address
 frame-relay interface-dlci 300
ip nat outside


  • JeanMJeanM Member Posts: 1,117
    I believe it's because you define the ip address on the sub-interface for the virtual circuit.
    2015 goals - ccna voice / vmware vcp.
  • GngoghGngogh Member Posts: 165 ■■■□□□□□□□
    sawnboy12 wrote: »
    Hey all .
    Why , when you configured frame relay network and you want to use nat , why you have to use sub interface and point to point ?
    i mean like
    interface Serial2/0.300 point-to-point ip address
     frame-relay interface-dlci 300
    ip nat outside

    When you create a Virtual circuit (sub-interface) you have to define the type of network wheather is point-to-point or multi-point... and then you apply nat to the network being nated.. its two different thinks.

    You can use nat with frame-relay on a multi-point network and you dont need a sub-interface.. you can apply nat and frame-relay to the physical interface.
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