
How to start a pentester career?

QPsycheQPsyche Member Posts: 7 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hello everyone of the TE forums!
I’m a complete newbie (21) who recently found fascination in the field of offensive security and particularly pentesting. I’ve done several days of research on the career and I’m finding it more attractive each day. Unfortunately, my current university education isn’t centered on the IT field so I’m essentially starting from scratch with no degree or experience.

I was wondering if anyone could give me an idea what I could do to have a real chance at starting a career in this area?
I’m planning to acquire at least five or six certs and several hands-on (though unofficial) experience such as CTF, home labs, blogs, or even bug bounty programs. But before I head-first dive into it, could anyone comment on whether these will consist of a resume worthy of consideration?

This is my first post and I apologize if it was a little long, and thank you for your input :D


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